All about MEE!

Home made cat toy

Daddycat’s made me a puzzle toy. It’s an idea from one of Vicky Halls’ cat psychology books.

I quite like it! He puts a biscuit inside, and then If I can get it out with my paw, I get to eat it! It’s quite difficult to do, but I know a TRICK!  If put the whap on it, all the biscuits fly out, almost into my mouth!

Then he made the base a little  more stable, and It doesn’t work any more… more

I have the bestest friends ever!

Hi everyone!  I’ve been very lazy recently… Well I AM a cat after all….. And I’ve not blogged for years, and I feel very bad about it too.

Anyway, I want to give a special hug to my best friends:





They all sent me messages saying that they’d noticed I hadn’t been around for a while. I love all of my blogging friends so much for caring about me, it’s really touching that you noticed!

Snuzzles to you all!

I’m more

Freya can talk! And tell jokes!

Hi everyone!

Daddycat’s got a new toy. It’s called Crazytalk, and it does weird things with my beautful face, and my wonderful voice!

Now, I know you all know, I’m a pretty witty cat, with a GREAT sense of humour, but somehow, he’s got some footage of me saying all sorts of rubbish jokes, with a weird voice too!

How unfair is that?

No worries though.  He’ll have to sleep sometime, and then I can get my revenge!

Free toys?

I’ve just read on my friend’s blog, Love and Hisses that she’s been asked “again” to review a cat toy….

It’s a proper battery operated toy, worth $13!!! How lovely!

But…. I’ve been blogging since March 2008, and I’ve NEVER been asked to review anything. It’s not fair, I wanna be given free stuff by manufacturers to review!!!

I mean, I know I don’t have wall to wall pictures of the CUTEST KITTENS money can buy, and I don’t have pages of funny more

Morning Routine

Every morning, Daddycat make my breakfast, and then He goes to work on his computer. (Does work USUALLY involve reading other kitty blogs?)

Once I finish my breakfast, this is where I go, every time.

Actually, it’s funny, because Daddycat’s arm looks like it’s almost as furry as I am, but it’s not in real life, it’s just a trick of the picture.

But then again, he’s never worried about posting embarrassing pictures of me, so I’ll get my revenge on him today.

(oh, more