All about MEE!

Chatzi wants to be a Snow Leopard

We had some snow this year, and Chatzi went out to investigate.

Surprisingly, he didn’t seem at all phased by the covering of white stuff everywhere, and just acted as if it’s always like that!

On the positive side though, the whiteness really brings out his colouring, doesn’t it?


Teego’s all ok and well again.

Dearest friends, I’m so sorry I haven’t posted a response for so long to let you all know that Teego’s ok.

Teego came home after 4 days at the veterinarian, and had a couple of war-wounds to boast about. Of course Bratzi Chatzi greeted him by sticking his nose straight up Teego’s bum! Where’s his dignity????

Teego has a bald patch on his neck from where they took samples of his blood

And he also had a bald patch on his forearm… It more

Teego goes to the emergency vet AGAIN!

It’s all about Teego at the moment… Our facebook friends will already know about this, but Sunday morning, Teego was taken to the emergency vet because we were concerned about his squatting and vomiting the day before. (it was a week or so after the mouse incedent, in case you were thinking that!)

This has happened a while ago too, and it wasn’t a blocked penis, but turned out to be an infection of FLUTD. To our shock this time, more

Teego 3 – Mice 0


Teego really seems to have got addicted to mousehunting! The other morning, Daddycat said to Mommacat that he’d noticed Teego sitting motionless in the Catio for about an hour that morning. Cats are actually ambush hunters, so this is exactly what they’re designed to do. They’re happy sitting motionless for ages, untill their prey happily walks in front of them and then WHAM!! They’ve caught their dinner.

Having described this to Mommacat, he went downstairs and suddenly shreiked – “Teegos got more