All about MEE!

While Mommacat’s away

Mommacat’s been away for the last week, so Freya and I have been bonding.

We recently had delivery of Da bird, and true to form, she LOVES IT! Unfortunately, it seems that I’m allergic to feather-based cat toys. Luckily, I bought the 4-pack of Dabird extras, and in there is a glittery sorta thing that she loves just as much as the spinning feather, although it’s not as impressive to me. Da glittery thing I simply have no idea what she’s doing here! more

A terribly sad day

One year ago today, my first cat, Scampie died from kidney/renal failure. She was 14 years old, and a much loved member of my family.

It all started about 2 weeks earlier, when we noticed she was vomiting fairly regularly, so we took her to the vet.

He thought it sounded a little like kidney issues so ordered a blood test and put her on a drip, as she was so dehydrated from vomiting. I was surprisingly strong at this news, as more

Wordless Wednesday: Secret Squirrel!

Have you seen this cat?

This is a really old internet meme, but rather than just post the picture here, I thought I would recreate it myself, and see if any of my neighbours noticed it.

The original shows some dumb wild Pallas cat, but Freya and I both agree that Freya’s more awesome than some zoo wildie!

I’ll let you know if any of my neighbours notice or mention it…

Have you seen this cat? Because it’s awesome!

simple photos of Freya

Freya’s been doing very well at cuteness school this week.

She’s certainly been scoring A+ with me anyway!

Unfortunately for you readers, I got a new camera last week, so the gratuitous picture quota is going to be on the up for a while, till the novelty wears off!

Guess what I discovered in my bed this morning when I walked in? I don’t really want to be encouraging her to get under the covers, just in case I sit on the bed and more