I wonder… is it a bad thing when your reflection looks better than you do?
I like that I’ve got the mouth-open looking like a Tiger thing goin’ on here though. But really, Daddycat should be focussing on ME, not The bin!
I wonder… is it a bad thing when your reflection looks better than you do? I like that I’ve got the mouth-open looking like a Tiger thing goin’ on here though. But really, Daddycat should be focussing on ME, not The bin! Usually when I sneeze, I shake my head at the same time, blessing everyone near with little drops of Freya-love. I’m not sneezing here though, I’m just making fun of how Daddycat looks when he sneezes. I think I’ve found daddycat’s private video collection! Even worse, I think it IS *that* sort of video collection.. It seems that Daddycat has been to see Auntie Barbara, who’s a bit of an expert Abyssinian cat breeder. As he & mommacat were there, they were taken to see one of the girl-cat and man-cats there, who apparently, were meant to be “performing”…. I don’t know what sort of “performance” they were meant to see, but it definately wasn’t a song ..read more You may remember from my famous dance video, that I dance like nobody’s watching… well, while Daddycat’s away, I also have been known to sing like nobody’s watching too! Daddycat thinks I look like a angelic choir girl cat, but when I sing, I just sing my heart out, and I’m FAR from an angel! What else do you think I do when nobody’s watching? Hey Friends! This is an urgent call for help! My mom and dad are abandoning me! They’re going away for 2 weeks to scotlandshire tomorrow, and they’re leaving me behind! They did offer to take me with them, and drop me off with Grandma-cat, 4 hours drive away, but I declined, because I don’t like car journeys… The constant meowing makes me hoarse, and I’m quite a nervous cat, and prefer to stay at my home, where I’m safe, and can sleep ..read more |
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