All about MEE!

Everybuddy can has a Ceiling Cat!

Tubbypaws has made a fantastic papercraft Ceiling cat! if you don’t know who Ceiling Cat is, he’s the cat that every cat looks up to.

Ceiling Cat

Ceiling Cat

Papercraft is where you take a sheet of car or paper, and fold it very cleverly to make a 3D object. A paper aeroplane is a papercraft model..

So here’s a papercraft Ceiling Cat!

Papercraft Ceiling Cat

Papercraft Ceiling Cat

I’ve made one, but it doesn’t look quite as good as this one, but it’s great when people come round, and do a double take at the cat poking it’s head through the ceiling!

So if you want to make one, here’s the link:

Tubbypaws papercraft Ceiling Cat

Happy folding, and don’t get glue in your fur!!


I been to the V-E-T!

Two months ago, it was my Gotcha day, and really, I should have gone to the V-E-T then, to get some chick-up.

I didn’t know what chick-up was, but I know for sure, if it has chick in it, it must be LOVELY!

Bengal Cat in open cage.


What I didn’t know was mommacat & daddycat would throw treats into the cage for me to eat, and then as soon as I jump in, they’d SLAM the door shut, and IMPRISON me very meanly.






You can see the FEAR in my face!

You can see the FEAR in my face!

They then took my cage outside to the METAL BOX OF DEATH – apparently it’s called a car, but something so terrible can’t have such a short name. I yowled as loud as I could until they stopped and took me out.

I don’t like travelling.

When we got to the V-E-T, there wasn’t any chick at all – It was a CHECKUP! I’d been duped!

So I yowled all the way home. And then they gave me treats, and I completely forgot what I was annnoyed about.




By the way, here’s some more funny cat-cards that daddycat got late yesterday…

funny cat birthday cards.









You know you’re a cat lover when….

…6 of your 9 birthday cards are cat-related!

cat related birthday cards

It was my Daddycat’s birthday today, and it seems everybody knows he loves me!

Mommacat even helped me write a card for him too! She held the pen, and I nudged it with my nose! I can’t hold the pen though – I haven’t got the opposable thumbs like you monkey people! :-)
I love my Daddycat – of course I don’t show it…. you know how it is…




Have you voted in my poll yet? it’s here!!

Kittie Birth Poll

Science Freya

Science Freya

Hi! Science Freya here…

Well, this is the poll that I mentioned yesterday. click the link if you want to know the background to this poll. Please see below if you know multiple cat’s birthmonths. I’m sorry but gotchadays don’t count – only if you’re certain of a kitten’s *actual* birth month.

So, now to the Poll, there are 2 groups, 12 months with S-H, and 12 months with N-H.

  • if you live in America, or Europe, or anywhere north of the equator, please use N-H. (Northern Hemisphere)
  • If you live in Australia, South America or anywhere south of the equator, please use S-H. (Southern Hemisphere)

I can’t see an option that allows multiple entries, so if you’re interested in the results, and you know of a number of cats, please leave a comment or email me at chrisbitz *at*, and I can add your multiple birthdays manually.

This isn’t serious research, but if we get enough responses, we should see an interesting curve on the graphs!

What month were you born, kittie?

View Results

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Thank you so much for participating, you never know, this might be fun with the results?

Kitten season

I just had this striking revelation! I noticed, over at the cat blogosphere this morning, they had 4 cat birthdays today. in general, I think that’s a relatively high number in general. So I got to thinking, and had a look at the Cat Blogosphere Calendar and there reallyseems to be extra birthdays around the cat mating season!

You know, cats have a mating season…. I believe it’s around May to September, although that’s not to say kittens never happen outside those times, but mainly it’s late spring and summer.

Now, having said that, what happens in Australia? Is kitten season November to March? I know I have some southern Hemisphere readers, maybe they can shed some light on this? Looking at theĀ  Cat Blogosphere Calendar again, it looks to me as if there may be some factual basis to this too! Unfortunately there isn’t an easy way of checking the nationality of these cats, but maybe I might start a poll or something where people can contribute to this startling research piece! :-)

So, in theory, April and October should be pretty dead, worldwide for kittens, it seems.. It would be interesting if anyone has an expertise in this…

I’ll look into polls in wordpress soon, and set one up. unless anyone can suggest a better way, I think 8 possible answers, Southern Hemisphere x4 quarters, and northern Hemisphere x 4 quarters? The quarters will be:

  • December, January, February
  • March, April, May
  • June, July August
  • September, October, November

Does that sound right? If I was really serious, I’d have monthly possibles, but with the north and south Hemispheres issue, I’d need 24 answers! (12 months x 2)

OK, I’ve rambled enough now if I’m only going to get 3 comments! Maybe when I set up the poll, you guys will give me some extra publicity? I’m still wondering about the 24 answers idea, it WOULD be more accurate… I’ll see how it fits in the poll.

click here for the Poll results