All about MEE!

A bit nervous.. WordPress or Blogger?

Daddycat’s a geek. In a nice way.

He’s become an ISP, which means he hosts websites and blogs and stuff, and he wants to buy me a domain name of my own, and install a wordpress blog there, for no other real reason than he’s a geek, and likes working in the machine room, and fiddling, so to speak.

I’m not sure though.. At the moment, I have lots of friends, subscribers and google followers and I fear that only some of more

In training for next year’s Yoga champs

As one of last year’s Cat Yoga Champions, I thought I’d better keep up with some training.

I’m particlarly pleased with this pose, as I’m able to twist my body 180 degrees, and at the same time, tickle my tumtum with my tail!

Actually, I have a very yummy tummy – the spots on my back go all the way round the underneath to my softest floof! I’m not entirely sure where my ears have gone, but i’m sure they’ll more

What’s he laughing at?

There I was, minding my own business and sunbathing, when daddycat walks in and starts laughing!

I’m sure he was laughing at me??

I have no idea what the was laughing about, as there was nothing funny going on at all.

I was just sunbathing, enjoying the hotness, although the tip of my tail felt quite hot earlier….

Can you see anything funny?

Am I being spied on?

I think I’m being watched or spied on….. cos I found a BUG! Or is it a different type of bug?

I don’t think it’s very polite, as it seems to be making rude gestures at me here…

I cna’t smell anything…. although I didn’t get my nose TOO close, just in case…

Just to check how it worked, I thought I’d give it a prod or two… you see, I’m not scared of anything, cos I’m a brave kittiepuss!

Ok, no more more