One of the signs of a rufty-tuffty mancat is his whisker pads. A big strong mancat must have big whisker pads. In this picture, I’m demonstrating how huge my whisker pads are. Look how mancatly I am! Being a mancat is a big responsibility though. Sometimes you forget how fierce you are, so you need to be careful. Daddycat here. There is such a funny routine to meall times here. They both are very excited about their dinner, and as soon as they finish, they both think they can steal eachothers! If we don’t separate them, they’ll both eat out of the same bowl, as fast as they can.. I thought they would fight over food at least! Is there no end to these cats’ strange behaviour?? Here’s a little film a made of mealtime.. Look! I have photographic evidence! There I am, happily running around playing with this spider that I’ve bravely caught, and she starts chasing me! Can you see her paw out, trying to trip me up? I’m totally blameless all the time, and this PROVES it! Anything else she says about me, like saying I jump on her when she’s asleep is a LIE! It’s not fair, I bet Harley knows what I mean! But at the end of the day, she IS my sister, more I know he’s a naughty little monkey, but the place is a lot more fun with him around. He gets really spoilt though! Can you believe he gets fed 4 times a day, and I only get fed twice a day? Apparently, they’re feeding him up so he grows up big and strong, so he can beat up Casper, the big Tomcat that lives outside! And we’re going to be film stars!!!! More later! |
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