All about MEE!

Freya goes to see ceiling cat…

I was feeling adventurous today. Daddycat has stored a big matress upstairs, and I like to climb up it, and sit on the top of it, and look down on everyone.

I was sitting up there, and noticed a doorway into the ceiling!  Can you imagine? I know it’s not normally a good think for a kittie to go and meet ceiling cat, but maybe if you go on your own, rather than being taken, its ok?

I reached up, and with more

Where’s Freya?

The other day, I was being ignored, so I wandered upstairs to go exploring. I found a cosy spot, and thought I’d test it out for sleepability!

It passed with flying colours!

Daddycat went upstairs and downstairs looking for me THREE TIMES, looking in every room for me and I WON!  He couldn’t find me for ages!

Can you see where I was hiding? (Click the picture to biggify)

Personally, I think Daddycat’s untidy room is more interesting than looking for some beautiful spotty more

I bin to the vet….

It all started on Saturday. Daddycat was chopping Onions, and I was sitting on my perch in the kitchen, when he noticed my eyes were streaming as much as his! I wouldn’t leave the kitchen though, as they were cooking lamb. YUM!

The next day, they noticed that my eye was still a little gloopy with greenie/greyie stuff. We took advice from Auntie Barbara at Abyssinian Breeders Anonymous, (she comments as ABA) who said if it doesn’t get better on it’s more

More about FOAL Farm

You remember we had a post a while ago, where dadcat took a video and filmed every cat at our local rescue home, FOAL Farm?

Well, we had a lovely email from their Bosscat, saying how much they enjoyed the film, and inviting Dadcat to go and meet some of them, and have a cup of coffee! After the coffee, he was taken to the isolation block, which is the place where the sick kitties go, and where the kittens go more

Freya got featured!

Today, I am in a GOOD mood.

Over at Wendy’s lolspot, I have the great honour of being today’s FEATURED KITTY!!!

Talk about  a lifelong ambition coming true, she’s taken 13 pictures of me, and put her customary funny and punny captions!

I’m really amazed how she comes up with so many! I tried to think up one and sat and puzzled for aaages and ages and ages, trying to come up with just one, and then after about a minute, I saw more