All about MEE!

I got a pressie in the mail!!

I have a new bestest friend! It’s Felicia, From Catladydiary! She sent me a present!!

It came all the way from Americaland, where a lot of my friends come from. It must be very crowded over there, if there are so many cats. Maybe some (the hunky mancats) would like to come here? I have some spare room here?

Anyway, back to my present…

Do you see the green picture on it? It’s a catfish, I think?

There were 2 things in there! more

Scabby Lip Disease??

Hi everyone!

Daddycat’s been lazy recently. He says he’s got writers block, but whenever I go for a cuddle, he’s playing some game called Grand theft Auto 4.

So now he has something to write about.

I have a little bald patch on my bottom lip. It often has little flakes of something dark on it, and we don’t think  it’s food, (even though I AM a messy eater) as it’s only on this patch.

The flakes might be blood, but we’ve put them more

Toesies Tuesday

You think you’re tough enough to get me down from here??   Forget it monkey boy, I got enough food to last me for HOURS!

I don’t usually talk to my daddycat like this, but I’d just come in from outside, and I’m still wearing my walking jacket, and I feel a little tough!

Wordfull F$£%King Wednesday.

You know, most of the time, you can trust your Daddycat to have all your best interests at heart, and to always put you on a pedestal, high above anthing else in their life.

And other times, they’ll post a picture like this of you.

I’m a Supermodel!!!

Following my incredible success the other day, modelling my new collar and tie, Daddycat thought he’d go one step further, and get me to model his cool new Kitty City Gazette T-shirt!

Unfortunately,  I wasn’t a very good model..

Well, Daddycat thinks that anyway, but I think I’m actually a very CLEVER model! I think Harley and Daisy have got it all WRONG!

Basically, I discovered quite quickly, that the more un-cooperative you are, the more treats you get! So everytime he got more