All about MEE!

Photo Hunters – Artificial

Photo hunters – Artificial:

I’m really not feeling myself tonight…

I feel…. kinda funny…. I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow…

I got a present!

A box arrived for me yesterday!

It arrived from Sharyn, from the funniest cat web site around – The Kitty City Gazette!

It had one of their new T-Shirts, and a very special outfit for me!

Isn’t it the cutest thing ever????

LOOK AT ME!!! I’M a MODEL!!  Just like Daisy and Hunky Harley!!

If I dress up very smart, and wait very patiently, do you think any mancats will come a-calling?

Speak to you all soon!



A new project?

Daddycat loves this video.

You may have heard about cat excercise wheels, but this is the best video of them all.  If you skip to 2:08 you’ll see a cat actually galloping! I’ve never seen this in a cat excercise wheel video before.

Cats have class, and rarely go faster than a brisk canter, but this cat really shows how graceful and powerful us cats really are!

Unfortnately, Daddycat doesn’ t love me enough to spend $700 and buy me one…. oh no.. more

They’re back! They’re back! They’re back!

Momcat & Dadcat are back!!  I was planning to sulk and be miserable and make them suck up to me for at least a month after leaving me, but when they arrived, I just forgot myself and didn’t leave their sides all evening.

It’s nice to have someone warm to snuggle up with again…

Edit by Dadcat: I’d recommend going away to anyone! Freya hasn’t been so affectionate in months!

Mirror Image

I wonder… is it a bad thing when your reflection looks better than you do?

I like that I’ve got the mouth-open looking like a Tiger thing goin’ on here though. But really, Daddycat should be focussing on ME, not The bin!