Photo hunters – Artificial:
I’m really not feeling myself tonight…
I feel…. kinda funny…. I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow…
Photo hunters – Artificial: I’m really not feeling myself tonight… I feel…. kinda funny…. I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow… A box arrived for me yesterday! It arrived from Sharyn, from the funniest cat web site around – The Kitty City Gazette! It had one of their new T-Shirts, and a very special outfit for me! Isn’t it the cutest thing ever???? LOOK AT ME!!! I’M a MODEL!! Just like Daisy and Hunky Harley!! If I dress up very smart, and wait very patiently, do you think any mancats will come a-calling? Speak to you all soon! Freya xxx Daddycat loves this video. You may have heard about cat excercise wheels, but this is the best video of them all. If you skip to 2:08 you’ll see a cat actually galloping! I’ve never seen this in a cat excercise wheel video before. Cats have class, and rarely go faster than a brisk canter, but this cat really shows how graceful and powerful us cats really are! Unfortnately, Daddycat doesn’ t love me enough to spend $700 and buy me one…. oh no.. more Momcat & Dadcat are back!! I was planning to sulk and be miserable and make them suck up to me for at least a month after leaving me, but when they arrived, I just forgot myself and didn’t leave their sides all evening. It’s nice to have someone warm to snuggle up with again… Edit by Dadcat: I’d recommend going away to anyone! Freya hasn’t been so affectionate in months! I wonder… is it a bad thing when your reflection looks better than you do? I like that I’ve got the mouth-open looking like a Tiger thing goin’ on here though. But really, Daddycat should be focussing on ME, not The bin! |
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