All about MEE!

Pet Photos Part 4


This is day 4… They put the black velvet on the floor, and waited for us cats to get in the right position. and waited. and waited…. and waited…..  Silly humans! Don’t they EVER learn????


Freya’s just passed out from all the cute.

Yesterday, My friend Tamar from I Have Cat noticed that Teego looks a little crosseyed in some pictures. It’s funny, because sometimes he looks more crosseyed, and other times he looks less crosseyed.  Crosseyedness (That *IS* a more

Pet Photos Part 3

Hi everybody! This is day 3 of our photo session – OK, there’s only 2 more days to go, and then you’ll have seen all the best pics!

This one really seems to capture the texture of Teego’s fur. the fur on his body is very different to the fur on his tail! Still, it all tastes the same when I’m nipping his butt!


The photographer said “look wistfully into the distance”. How did I do?


The photographer said “look like you’re dumb” more

Pet Photos Part 2

This is day 2 of our week of photographs from Daddycat’s friend Simon the Pet Photographer

This batch of photos look really cool with a black background. It might look like they were cut out using Photoshop, but actually, it was against a black velvet background! Doesn’t it look cool? (You can, as usual, click any picture to biggify it)

There’s one picture that shows us being fed SMOKED SALMON treets! We were really well behaved when the smoked salmon came out!

At more

We met a professional photographer today!

Today, we were very lucky, because daddycat’s friend, who is a professional photographer, came round to photograph us!

You see, this is what happens when you’re published celebrity kittens. (We get to lie about our age too)

Anyway, he sent a few photos over tonight for a joke, so we’re publishing them here for a joke too.

Especially the one of Daddycat at the end!

If you want to see what pictures the professional cat photographer took, there’s a five day series of the more

We got mentioned in a proper magazine!

click to biggify for reading!

Do you remember a while ago, we were interviewed by Your Cat Magazine in the UK? Your Cat magazine is the top cat magazine in the UK, so we were shocked when they called us asking for an interview!!

Well, this morning, we received a brown paper envelope in the post, and IT WAS OUR ARTICLE!!

We’d like to give a very warm welcome to anyone new that visits us from that article too! We’ll put some links at the bottom to more