All about MEE!

My big sister has BAD BREATH!

So, I was happily minding my own business in MY room, when they bring in my big sister to say hello.

She jumps down and HISSES right in my face!! It was all I could do to keep myself from passing out from the bad breath!

I didn’t move or cry though, cos I’m a big strong ruffty-tuffty mancat….

Maybe she’ll want to play tomorrow? I wonder why she left the room? Maybe she went to get some toys to bring them back for both of us to play?

I’m sure she wouldn’t have run away because she’s SCARED of me?  I did give her one of my hardest Paddington stares when she was spitting in my face!

I want to be let out of this room.. I get lonely sometimes, and I want to explore! When Mom & Dad open the door, I run through their legs as fast as I can sometimes!

My first meeting

Hello everybody!

Thank you for all your lovely welcomes yesterday! I thought I’d tell you about how I met my new mommacat and daddycat…

M&D got a call from the lovely people at Foal Farm Cat Rescue in Kent saying that they had one kitten available that suited what M&D were looking for… Young, Male and Confident. (that’s ME alright!) and he was a pale peach/ginger kitten.

So, the funny thing is, they were originally directed to room no.5, where there was a ginger kitten, but he seemed a little older than they expected. So they cuddled this kitten while they waited for one of the cat team to catch up with them.

Not me!

I saw them next door, but I couldn’t work out how I had people coming to see me, and yet there were people in the next room! And they kept looking at me through the window to my room, saying how pretty I was, and how they wished I was available….  I WAS!!!! but they were in the wrong room!!!

Luckily, the lovely Lisa turned up, and apologised profusely and explained that she meant to say room 6!

So they came next door, and met MEEE!!!

And the rest, as they say…. is going to be the future!! (why do they say “the rest is history”?)

Can’t wait to tell you about my big scaredy sister tomorrow!

I can has baby brofur??

My dearest bloggie-friends…. I have some shocking news!!

Mommacat and Daddycat have got me a baby brofur! I’ve only met him once, when they carried me in to his room (where he’s staying for a couple of days) He’s very small, and sweet looking, but I can’t let HIM know that.

So I hissed at him a few times, and HE HISSED BACK! I ask you! He’s only 11 weeks old, and already sassing me, his older and better half!

Maybe we’ll become friends given time, and once I’ve put the whap on him a few times, to teach him who’s really the boss.

Hello everybuddy! I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!

Originally, my name was Pudding, but my Mum & Dad thought I might get bullied at kitten school with a name like that, so my new name is TEEGO!

Happy new year everyone!

Warning about boxes!!

Today, I got a present! It was a box! It was a very interesting box…

Bengal cat has head stuck in a box-1So I checked it out carefully.

Bengal cat has head stuck in a boxI looked inside, to see what was in it.

Bengal cat has head stuck in a box-2Hmmmm, Very interesting.




Bengal cat has head stuck in a box-7Whooops! How embarrasing!



Thank you to my friends

Some of my friends have very kindly given me awards, and I feel quite rude for not having accepted them quickly. I’ve had:

“Your blog is like nectar” and “This blog has heart” from A Wizard and an Angel (back in August!)

Siena_selinho_nectar-anjo-gatos bloghasheart

“Kreativ Blogger” from Loki


And finally Huffle Mawson has also given me “Kreativ Blogger”


In response to these lovely awards, I’m going to tell you 7 things about me that you might not know.

  1. I used to be a breeding queen with a Bengal Breeder.
  2. When I first moved in to my forever home, I was happily settling in, and then big fat clumsy Daddycat stood on my tail. I’ve been afraid of his feet in the kitchen ever since.
  3. One of my kittens, Frodo,  was run over a year and a half ago. We cried a lot when we heard.
  4. Whenever anyone is in the kitchen, I jump on the bin, which is MY throne and safe place, and I make a LOT of noise. I LIKE the sound of my own voice.
  5. As soon as Mommacat sits on the Sofa, I will always somehow work my way onto her lap, and get between the Laptop and her.
  6. I allow Daddycat to pick me up and I lie on my back in his arms. I even allow him to tickle my tum sometimes…
  7. I sometimes cuddle Daddycat when he’s in bed.
