All about MEE!

I don’t like flying things

Daddycat found a little toy aeroplane, it was made of some sort of really tasty looking foamy stuff. Maybe chicken flavoured?

Knowing how athletic and bouncy I am, and how i hate any sort of flying things, silly daddycat thought he’d do a test flight, right above my head!

Now here’s the strange thing. I managed to easily pluck it out of the sky, and catch it, like the expert hunter cat that I am, but it didn’t put up much of a fight, and EVEN WORSE… It didn’t taste of chick-hen at all!

Who ever heard of a flying thing that doesn’t take of chick-hen? What’s the point of that??

Next time daddycat, could you check up on the taste of toys? catnip or chick-hen flavour are kinda important to me? At the very least meat flavour?

Farm Kittens

When my momma and daddycats were in oop northland, They stayed in a farm. They managed to talk about cats (they don’t talk about anything else!) and the farm lady said that she had some kittens! So they got taken into the barn where the kittens were, and go to cuddle them, as they were obviously missing MY cuddles!

I’m glad I’m not a farm kitten though, They get a lot of freedom, but not many cuddles, and they have to work for their living, catching mice and things. And I bet it gets cold outside too…

I’ll say a little purrrayer for them, I think.


My mommacat and daddycat left me! They went away for 4 days, because their daddycat’s cousin had gone to rainbow bridge.

Luckily for me, my neighbourfriend came and fed me, and even better, my likklebean friends, Elizabeth and William came and played with me for a WHOLE HOUR with my favourite toy, da bird! I was exhausted, but I love seeing them, as they have nearly as much energy as I do. Certainly loads more energy than my momacat and daddycat!

Anyway, I forgave my mommacat straight away, as she came with lots of cuddles, and gifts of stinky goodness!

Dance video RELEASED!

My dance video is finally released! We filmed it over two days, and then daddycat spent another 2 days editing it – he actually made it 4 times, and each time had an idea how to make it better, and started again from scratch!

You can even watch it in HD if you click the video and it takes you to youtube!

I really hope that all you friends like my video, and please tell all your friends so I can become rich and famous, and have my stinky goodness brought to me on a velvet cushion…

Yoga Guru!

I won an competition! Can you believe it?

I entered the 2009 Kittie Yoga competition, and amazingly, they thought my pose was one of the joint wiiners with this pose!

The lovely kitties at Tabbynormal said it was called Cat Crescent Pose and with such a lovely name like that, it sounds even better!
Congratulations and headbutts to teh beautiful joint winners Siena and Ayla too!

In keeping with the Yoga and nimbleness theme, MY KITTY DANCE VIDEO is going to be released any day now! I’m so excited! I can’t wait for all my friends to see my dancing!

Be sure to subscribe on the right of my blog, to be informed as soon as it’s released!

Seeya soon, friends!
