All about MEE!

I’m back from the Vets!

Ok, so I get the joke. I wasn’t going to get TUTORED after all.

But I forgive you all. I was told to take it easy and sleep off the anaestetic when I got home, but to be honest there was so many important things I had to do when I got hom, I was fully alert and running around straight away!

At least I was, in the bits when my weird sissy-fur wasn’t sniffing me!

Honestly! A little curiosity is one thing, more

Say goodbye!

On Tuesday 27th, Little Kitten Teego is going to take his first big step to mancathood.

Say goodbye to these…

Aren’t they the CUTEST little balls of fluff you’ve ever seen? I wonder if they’re full of marshmallow fluff like his head?

We’ve been told to give him no food after his 6PM meal the night before, and to drop him off at the Vet’s in the morning. Of course we’re a little nervous because it’s surgery, but I’m pretty confident it’s routine more

I went to the vet today

Hello friends! I went to the vet today, for a “boosty jection” I have no idea what that is, but I was a brave mancat, and didn’t cry out or scratch anyone!

The best bit was, I went to Foal Farm where I was first rescued, and got to see all my old Aunties, and they REMEMBER ME!!!! (Although they still think I’m called PUDDING!)

And even better, one of them actually reads MY blog everyday! I hope she leaves me a more

I bin to the vet….

It all started on Saturday. Daddycat was chopping Onions, and I was sitting on my perch in the kitchen, when he noticed my eyes were streaming as much as his! I wouldn’t leave the kitchen though, as they were cooking lamb. YUM!

The next day, they noticed that my eye was still a little gloopy with greenie/greyie stuff. We took advice from Auntie Barbara at Abyssinian Breeders Anonymous, (she comments as ABA) who said if it doesn’t get better on it’s more

I been to the V-E-T!

Two months ago, it was my Gotcha day, and really, I should have gone to the V-E-T then, to get some chick-up.

I didn’t know what chick-up was, but I know for sure, if it has chick in it, it must be LOVELY!



What I didn’t know was mommacat & daddycat would throw treats into the cage for me to eat, and then as soon as I jump in, they’d SLAM the door shut, and IMPRISON me very meanly.






They then took my more