All about MEE!

Animal cruelty people caught and punished!

Back on 17th September 2010, the UK saw a shocking clip of some CCTV that showed some “people” dumping a dog by some grasslands, and then driving away, with the dog trying to follow them. The video shows the man getting out of the car with the dog, obviously excited to be going for a walk, and then you see the man running back to the car leaving the dog behind! As they drive away, you can just make out more

All about Pet Insurance.

teego cat on a drip monitored at vet

Recently, when Teego decided to have a munch on a deadly poisonous Lilly/Oleander, he was rushed to the Vet, and the Vet in turn rushed him to the local Animal Hospital to go on a constantly monitored 24hr Drip. Surprisingly, the accomodation at the Animal Hospital was only £35 per night. (with all the Saline drip and required plumbing supplied by my vet.) £35 wasn’t really a lot considering someone would be monitoring Teego’s vital statistics every hour and if more

April Fool!!!

Teego cat Laughing

We’d like to apologise to effuryone that we fooled yesterday with our film!

Teego’s in a new blockbuster film!

I really surprised! How could someone as smart and funny, and intelligent, and good-looking as my Daddycat be SUCH a geeky nerd!???  Did we trick you?

Isn’t it funny, that with the modern internet culture, you can produce the weirdest geekiest spoof film you can dream up, and people will watch it and shrug and say – “it takes all sorts!”

I have to say more