I’m hiiiiding! Can you see me?
I have an appointment at the VET to have my teeth looked at and maybe have some stolen. I don’t know why daddycat is worried, I’m not gonna go or anything if he can’t find me.
Wish me luck, Furriends!
This is one of the very first pictures of me when I arrived home 1 year ago! This is a link to a post from 1 year ago, explaining how I was picked from the lovely Foal Farm! (Just remember, I was part of a litter that was going to be thrown in the river by a bad man!) Thanks to KC at the Cat Blogosphere for posting my gotcha day today too! Mommacat & Daddycat have been worried about me for a few weeks now, as I keep acting like I have something stuck in my teeth at the side of my mouth. Then recently, I’ve become a little more cranky with Teego (can you blame me?) and I’m afraid I’ve been hissing and growling when I get picked up too! They couldn’t ignore it any longer, so we went to see the nice man at Anderson’s Vets in Orpington. It was another new person that we haven’t seen before, and he was lovely too! We’re really happy with this new Vets, as we’ve been to two others locally, and at one vet, the reception staff looked up at you as if you were interrupting them reading their magazine, and the other one was just indifferent about us BEEYOOTIFUL animals at best, and didn’t really seem passionate about animals. So now, we’ve met 3 vets at this new place, and all of them seem to have a lovely way with me and my brofur, and always saying how lovely we are! So, last night, Jessie the nice VET had a look all over me, and couldn’t really find anything wrong with me. He poked at my tummy, and put the listening thing on my chest, and said I seemed healthy. Then he looked in my mouth, and said he thought that one of my molar tooths was a bit bad, and it might need to come out!! WHA??? I’m only a very young 7 years old!!! Anyway, that was a bit of a shock to my Mommacat & Daddycat, as it means a general anaesthetic, but it should be ok, as I’m very healthy and strong! In the meantime, he gave me some Metacam to help with any inflammation from my bad tooth, and even better…. It means that Titchy Teego isn’t allowed to steal my dinner, as it’s got my medicine in it! I hope they don’t shave me too, like they did to my friend Ginger Jasper! |
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