All about MEE!

How to open a stitched litter sack

Hi there, Science Freya here again!

Science Freya

I’ve always wondered why litter sacks were stitched, and had this idea that there must be an easy way to open them.

So I did a little research, and discovered there is a very easy way to open them! So I’m going to show you. There are two sides to the stitching. The rough side:

And the smooth side:

Stand at the side of the sack, with the smooth side on the left, and the rough side on the right. (This is important!)

We’re interested in the smooth side. With your claws, or you can use Scissors if your claws aren’t sharp, you want to cut the first 3 loops.

When you’ve cut the first 3 loops, then you can pull both sides strings gently and equally, and they should come out easily. If you pull too hard, they might snag, but you’ll get the hang of it if you’re gentle at first.

Hey Presto! Toodle Pip and Tally Ho! (I’m an English cat, you know) – The bag comes easily unstitched!

Once the bag is open, if you have a pesky younger brother, you can let him play with it too, and that might keep him occupied for five minutes.

And that’s it! It’s easy when you know how!

Laser Eyes!

Teego thinks he’s very clever, because he has learned how to do laser eyes!

But he’s only a baby trainee Mancat, because he can only do green laser eyes.

However, as a mature, experienced, blue-blooded Bengal cat, I know THE REAL skill at doing laser eyes.

I can do yellow laser eyes,

Or I can do red laser eyes…


I can do BOTH, red and green at the same time!!

Beat that titchy Teego!!

Meet all the cat bloggers around the world!

Hi, Science Freya here!

Back in 2009, I created a map where everyone can mark where they’re from, and we can all see other cat bloggers who are near to us!

It’s not just for special friends or anything, if you have a cat blog, you really should enter your details!

So far, we’ve had 91 entries, and that’s really exciting, but I’m sure that there are a lot more new bloggers since then!

So here’s the quick list of instructons of how to add your blog!

  1. go to and look if you’re already listed. (the controls to move around are at the top left, and the same as Google maps)
  2. if you’re not listed, click on additions, and then click add detailed marker

    (Click to biggify)

  3. Enter your Blog name and location.

  4. Click on the Details tab, and enter your blog website address, and any other details you’d like.

    (click to biggify)

  5. Click the SUBMIT button to submit your blog.
  6. If you have any difficulties, leave your details in the comments, and I can add you myself.

I can’t wait to meet all the new bloggers, and see where you live!!

Freya xx

Photos of my teeth operation!

Today I had an operation to remove some bad teeth that my vet had spotted. Daddycat asked if she could take someĀ  pictures, and SHE SAID YES!!

So these are the photos that Kate Panek-Kaminska from Anderson Veterinary Group took while she did such wonderful surgery on my bad tooths.

(You can click them to make them bigger)

This is when I was woozy on the pre-med before the operation.

This is what my tooths looked like before the operation!
I guess that’s why Daddycat called me fish-breath?

This is Kate stealing my teeth! She said that one of them was so loose, it came out inĀ  her hand!

I’ve no idea what’s happening here! :-)

This me getting pampered, and stroked and cuddled. Or something.

And these are my gleaming beautiful new teeth!

So this is a big thank you to Kate for taking the photos. They’re very interesting to see what actually happens in the surgery!

Freya comes home from the Vet

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your well wishes yesterday, I’m back from the vet and I’m very well.

But wait! There’s exciting news coming!

Daddycat asked the Vet if she’d mind taking some pictures of me while I was having the operation, for this blog, and she said YES!!!

I think that’s the mark of a good Vet don’t you? Anyone who’s happy to share pics of their work on the internet, must be confident of their ability… So anyway, She said she’d email me the pictures, and as son as they arrive, I’ll post them!

I can’t wait to see what I looked like!!!

Thanks again for all your messages.
