All about MEE!

Teego the Antique-o cat!

Teego is a very NOSEY confident cat. As soon as Mommacat comes home from one of her customary antique buying trips, Teego is instantly amongst them, sniffing and nosing around.

I’m a much more sensible cat, and as soon as these scarey objects come into the house, I’m off to my safe place on top of the kitchen cupboards.

During the first three hours, Teego managed to sniff through every pot, and then sleep on both tables.

He really will sleep anywhere – It’s as if he doesn’t like to sleep in the same place twice!

It’s too hot!

Just a quick note to say Hi to all our furrends out there!

It’s just too hot to do anything round here – We’re not used to the heat in England!

And besides, Daddycat just works us too hard. Look how exhausted we are!

I know we haven’t blogged for a while, but we’re very well, and still visiting you everyday even if we’re a bit quiet.


Hold on tight!

Quick! if we interlock our paws tightly, then when the sky falls, or there’s an earthquake, or worst of all – someone tries to split us up, we’ll be ok!

Cats of Claw Hill Review

We watched a new Cat-related documentary this weekend, called The Cats Of Claw Hill. We were very excited to watch it when we heard about it, as cat programmes are pretty rare on UK TV. It’s on again Saturday at 4:00 and 4:30 June 19th and 26th. Cats of Claw Hill

Oh, and one other thing – please leave a comment below and let me know what YOU thought of the programme?

(sorry about the quality of the stills, I had to photograph my TV!)

It was an unusual format, as the TV writeup suggests a documentary format, but it was actully shown from a Cat’s eye point of view. The narrator was aparently a cat herself, and spoke about human beans as “two leggers”. It was kind of light hearted, which suited the cat’s commentary, but I’m unsure if that was a good thing. Maybe I’m just too mature, but I’d have preferred a serious cat behaviourist commenting rather than a voiceover pretending to be a cat, as it forced the program to be light, and avoid any REAL insight into the behaviour.

On a positive note, the footage they have is incredible! They have lots of footage from the cat’s low-down position, and an incredible variety of behaviour filmed, my favourite (so far) being one cat coming round a corner, and spotting another more dominant cat suddenly as he got there. He then sloped off, with his tail low before the other cat chased him away.

I noticed that most of the cats have some sort of tape on their collars, and I guess they were fitted with the Loc8or cat tracking device? That would explain how they managed to get such great footage!

Overall, We will certainly watch it again, as it captures some fantastic behaviour and amazing photography, and maybe we’ll warm to the voiceover style as time goes by…

Cat TV Programme alert!

I’ve just popped up here with my big brother to tell you all that I’ve just heard on the Vicky Halls cat newsletter, that there’s going to be a cat documentary series starting this weekend on UK Animal Planet!

It’s called The Cats of Claw Hill and this is what it says about the first episode:

Ever wondered what your feline friends get up to when you are not at home? Cats of Claw Hill offers an unprecedented insight into the secret lives of cats.

There’s more info here: Movie TV Episode Database and here: Animal Planet

It looks really interesting, and cats never get good TV progs made about them! And especially good is my friend Vicky Halls is in the last episode, talking about the cats’ behaviour.

If you haven’t heard of her, Vicky Halls is a Sunday Times bestselling author, and the most famous cat behaviour expert in the UK. I think she just finished her 5th book!

Unfortunately for all of you in Americaland, it’s not being shown there yet, but I’m sure it will come, if it hasn’t already!