On Tuesday 27th, Little Kitten Teego is going to take his first big step to mancathood.
Say goodbye to these…

Aren’t they the CUTEST little balls of fluff you’ve ever seen? I wonder if they’re full of marshmallow fluff like his head?
We’ve been told to give him no food after his 6PM meal the night before, and to drop him off at the Vet’s in the morning. Of course we’re a little nervous because it’s surgery, but I’m pretty confident it’s routine surgery, and you have to trust the vet implicitly, other wise you just wouldn’t do it… would you?
Also, it’s totally the right thing to do. Much as I like the romantic idea of him fathering a litter of his very own kittens, it’s just totally irresponsible, as there’s already more than enough kittens to go around.
I’m exited about taking him back to his original rescue home, and meeting all his original foster Moms, and I think they even read this blog from time to time.. (hello Foal Farm!!)
I wonder if they’ll remember he was originally called Pudding?
So, when he gets TUTORED, what can we expect? What will he be like for that evening with the anaesthetic? should we expect any behaviour changes?