All about MEE!

Free toys?

Begngal cat on a cushionI’ve just read on my friend’s blog, Love and Hisses that she’s been asked “again” to review a cat toy….

It’s a proper battery operated toy, worth $13!!! How lovely!

But…. I’ve been blogging since March 2008, and I’ve NEVER been asked to review anything. It’s not fair, I wanna be given free stuff by manufacturers to review!!!

I mean, I know I don’t have wall to wall pictures of the CUTEST KITTENS money can buy, and I don’t have pages of funny blog content every day, but I WANT FREE STUFF! (In all fairness, she does deserve lots of goodies A LOT more than me too, but I’m just saying…. ok?)

To be honest, I think it’s because I’m an english kitty and there aren’t as many of us as American kittys, so maybe that’s it.

ok, rant over.

Actually, I did sort of get something the other day… I rang up Royal Canin for a sample of some of their biscuits, and they asked if my daddycat was a breeder. “No,” he replied, “but I am a kitty blogger”

“Oh, ok” replied the telesales lady, as if she hadn’t a clue what he was talking about. She sent the stuff for free, very kindly, but it wasn’t because I’m a fabulous fantastic famous feline, it was just because they’re very generous at sending out free samples.

PS, I’m not hinting at any of my nice kitty friends to send me stuff, I’m talking to the manufacturers, who have lots of money…

What happens next….

This was sent to me by Auntie Barbara & Uncle Ron, the Abyssinian Breeders

(It’s not me, and I don’t think it’s one of their cats. I’m not even certain it’s a Bengal either, but for this article, I think we shall call the cat Freya?)


What happens next?

  1. ‘Freya’ falls in the bath
  2. Shark-fish jumps up and bites ‘Freya’
  3. The guy holding the camera falls in the bath
  4. ‘Freya’ becomes posessed, dives into the water, has a massive crash-tackle fight and catches the shark-fish, carries it to her food bowl and wants it to be cooked.



Have you decided?

1 Bengal Cat looks into water in bath2 Bengal Cat chases fish in bath water3 Bengal cat swipes at fish in bath4 Bengal cat bites fish under water5 Bengal cat grabs fish under water6 Bengal cat catches shark-fish under water7 Bengal Cat carries fish to food bowl8 Cook my fish

WOW! Bet you didn’t expect that!

I think it looks like a lynx or a bobcat, as the head is the wrong shape for a Bengal and the nose is too big, althouth it WISHES it was a Bengal with those spots!

The website says it’s a Civet, (maybe a traslation error) but it really doesn’t look like one to me!

Also, I think the fish is a Catfish, rather than a Shark fish, but Shark-fish sounds so much better!

I’ve done some research and I believe the owner of the pictures is (using google translate) but it’s in Russsian, so I can’t check much further…. Can you help?

EDIT: It’s a fishing cat. Did anyone guess right?

Morning Routine

Every morning, Daddycat make my breakfast, and then He goes to work on his computer. (Does work USUALLY involve reading other kitty blogs?)

Once I finish my breakfast, this is where I go, every time.

Freya the bengal cat's morning routine

Actually, it’s funny, because Daddycat’s arm looks like it’s almost as furry as I am, but it’s not in real life, it’s just a trick of the picture.

But then again, he’s never worried about posting embarrassing pictures of me, so I’ll get my revenge on him today.

(oh, and the picture IS out of focus, it’s not your eyes. I have trouble with cameras, I don’t have the opposable thumbs, you know.)

A Sad Weekend

This weekend was a vary sad one. 3 blogging kitties went to The Rainbow Bridge.




You can click on the pictures to go to their moving last post.

I kept noticing Daddycat’s eyes leaking as he read each one, and he felt for their left behind familes.

This is a poem I saw on my local rescue centre, Foal Farm, that really moved me when I last saw it and I’d like to read it now, for all the dearly loved kittys that have passed on, and their loving families that they leave behind.

The last will and testament of a cat

When humans die, they make a will
To leave their homes and all they have to those They love
I too, would make a will if I could write.
To some poor, wistful, lonely stray I leave my happy home.
My dish, my cosy bed, my cushioned chair, my toy.
The well-loved lap, the gently stroking hand
The loving voice, the place I made in someone’s heart.
The love, that at the last, could help me to a peaceful, painless end
Held in loving arms if I should die
Oh, do not say:
‘No more a pet I’ll have to grieve me by its loss’
Seek out a lonely, unloved cat and give my place to him.
This is my legacy the love I leave behind
Tis all I have to give

Margaret Trowton

This always makes us cry when we read it.

I’m sorry this isn’t such a cheerful post, but this weekend too many of our dear furbabies have passed, and I needed to say something.

purrs to everyone.

Give your cat a cuddle NOW!

Embarrassing Names

My name’s Freya. It’s a very pretty and distinguished girls name.

Freyja was the Norse Goddess of Love, Beauty and Fertility. Still appropriate, I feel….

She rode around on a chariot, pulled by kittehs! ok, not so much like me now…


This is a picture of Freya, and her kittie minions!

Joking aside, she doesn’t look that pretty to me – she has those weird ears on the side of her head, instead of on top, and she hasn’t got any whiskers, or even a tail! Her markings are very plain, and she hasn’t got any fur.

So from now on, I think I should be the REAL Freya.

Anyway. My problem is this. I’m offended that whenever someone does a search for my name, they’re bombarded with adverts for Human Bean BRAs!!!! I’m deeply offended. Don’t they know who I am???

I’m certainly NOT an item of ladybean’s rudie clothing.

I’ve even written them a nice letter explaining my problem, and asking them to please change their adverts to “Freya, (but not the beautiful spotty cat)”

I wonder if they’ll reply to me?