All about MEE!

Cat Blogosphere bloggers around the world!

Hi, Science Freya here again!

Science Freya

Science Freya

I’ve had another idea!

How about we all log where we’re from on a big map, and then we can see if we’re actually near to one of our friends!

I’ve done a little research, and I’ve found somewhere where we can do it, and we don’t have to subscribe or login or anything. (link is after the instructions)

Here’s some basic instructions:

  1. In the additions menu (at the top) click add marker.
  2. Then put your blog name in the Entry name box
  3. then put your city and state and country – (you don’t have to put anything more specific, but you can if you want)
  4. click the details tab at the top, and enter your website address.
  5. Finally, you can click on the Media tab (next to details) at the top, and submit a photo.
  6. You can add as much or as little info as you like too.
  7. When you click submit, It’s worth copying the link for editing your post, because I don’t think you cna find it again afterwards.
  8. If you make a mistake, let meĀ  know, and I can delete your marker if you want.
  9. When you first press submit – it confirms your location, offering alternatives. click “show more” until it’s correct. Select the one that’s correct, and then click submit again.
Click to biggify

Click to biggify picture

This is the link to the Kitty Bloggers Map!
(It opens in a new window, so you can still read the instructions above)

NOTE: I think this will work as planned… If anyone has a better solution to this, please let me know quick! :-)

Please tell your friends! The more kitties that use it, the better it will be!



contented bengal cat

Kentish Cat Society 2009 Cat Show

Yesterday, Mummycat & Dady cat went to a at show! Unfortunately, they didn’t take me, as it would be unfair on all the other cats if I went and won everything. (That’s what they told me anyway.)

  1. There was one cat there that REALLY wanted to get out! He’d eaten his name badge twice through the bars already. I don’t think he was being mistreated or anything, as they’re very strict at cat shows, but he was very cute. I forgot to remember what cat he was… Does anyone know?
  2. Then there was a BIG Bengal boy, pacing from side to side in his cage… HE was HUGE.. and sooo hunk too! **swoon** He was an Imperial Grand Champion. That sounds ever so good!
  3. Finally, there was a Deven Rex cat there, like my friend Daisy. Daddycat asked her if she knew Daisy, as absolutely everone knows Daisy, but she just looked blankly back at him!


Yesterday, I forgot to mention, the treats that I was so politely eating, were actually the treats that my friend Felicia sent from the CatLadyDiary!

nom nom nom nom nom…. (‘m only polite when the camera’s on!)

Good Manners

Today, I thought I’d show how polite and well behaved I am..

In fact, I’m so polite and well brought up, I didn’t do anything in revenge after what he did yesterday!


Derby The Sassy Cat, had a great idea for a game for October…

It’s called Tocktober. Where you post pictures of your ‘tocks.

My Daddycat thinks he’s a comedian.


He’ll realise who the comedian is when he tries to put his slippers on tomorrow morning.

I’m just sayin’….