All about MEE!

130 cats!

I can’t decide what to think about this video.

The Lady obviously loves cats… and it’s wonderful to see so many cats all in one go….. They seem to be all well fed…. and they appear healthy too… But it just seems weird.

But who would care for the kittehs if the mad cat lady didn’t?

The simple things

You know, some of the best things in life are the simplest.

I love snuzzling with my daddycat.

Snuzzle with bengal cat

Who visits my blog?

I look through my blog search results sometimes, to see how people have discovered me.

Yesterday, I noticed someone had found me by searching for cat kept at the vets for three days on a drip. Their result came in on my page about Auntie Scampie’s last days, and I felt so sorry for the person, whoever it was, but they were completely anonymous, and I felt so helpless, but so keen to do something, anything to help them, something to ease their pain, but if they don’t leave a comment, I have no way of knowing who they were or anything.

So today, let’s all have a thought for all the millions of pet owners around the world who feel like their life is collapsing around them, right now, because of their beloved furbaby is going or about to go to Rainbow Bridge.

They’re going through such a horrible time right now, but it will get easier with time.

Hugs to everyone.



Freya goes to see ceiling cat…

I was feeling adventurous today. Daddycat has stored a big matress upstairs, and I like to climb up it, and sit on the top of it, and look down on everyone.

I was sitting up there, and noticed a doorway into the ceiling!  Can you imagine? I know it’s not normally a good think for a kittie to go and meet ceiling cat, but maybe if you go on your own, rather than being taken, its ok?

I reached up, and with my characteristic persistence, I clawed at the doorway for aaages, AND IT OPENED!!!!

I was just about to leap into the beautiful realms of ceiling cat’s domain………. and daddycat came up and told me off.

How mean.

Bengal cat jumps into loft

3 Cats, 1 Steak

This is a fairly new video, so I might be the first to post about it!

I love how the left cat is saying “I WANT IT!” and the right cat is like “I WANT IT!” and the middle cat, who in this instance, we’ll call Freya, is saying, “NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM”

I wonder if I can has steak tonight too?

Of course, it’s not actually me, I’d have been too frightened of a piece of steak!