All about MEE!

Where’s Freya?

The other day, I was being ignored, so I wandered upstairs to go exploring. I found a cosy spot, and thought I’d test it out for sleepability!

It passed with flying colours!

Daddycat went upstairs and downstairs looking for me THREE TIMES, looking in every room for me and I WON!  He couldn’t find me for ages!

Can you see where I was hiding? (Click the picture to biggify)

Bengal cat is hiding

Personally, I think Daddycat’s untidy room is more interesting than looking for some beautiful spotty cat though.

I bin to the vet….

It all started on Saturday. Daddycat was chopping Onions, and I was sitting on my perch in the kitchen, when he noticed my eyes were streaming as much as his! I wouldn’t leave the kitchen though, as they were cooking lamb. YUM!

The next day, they noticed that my eye was still a little gloopy with greenie/greyie stuff. We took advice from Auntie Barbara at Abyssinian Breeders Anonymous, (she comments as ABA) who said if it doesn’t get better on it’s own in a few days, go to the vet.

It kinda got a little better, after a saltwater wash that Auntie Barbara also suggested, but it just wouldn’t go away.

Bengal cat has funny eyeWe tried to get a picture of the gloopy eye, but I pulled a funny face instead!

The vet was very nice though, and commented on how lovely I was, so I put up with a lot from him.

I got a complete service – he clipped my claws, looked at my scabby lower lip, and put a drop of Fucithalmic in my eye.

So I should be back to normal in no time at all.

But that doesn’t mean that the sympathy can stop or anything.. ok?

P.S. Dadcat hasn’t been very happy with any of our local vets – we’ve tried three different ones, and although they haven’t been bad as such, they’ve just been well, indifferent at best.

We really liked this vet though and his name is Dreyer Schoeman at Anderson Veterinary Group, and he deserves a plug, as he was so good and nice to me.

Freya’s OTHER must see posts…

Oh dear, I knew this would happen! As soon as you start making a list, you’re in trouble from then on! Here are some I’ve missed out on:

6. Wendy’s lolspot. This is a one-person competitor to Icanhascheezburger! How she comes up with these fantastic captions so fast, and SO MANY, I’ll never know. And to think that she does it all for love is amazing!  The only thing is, that her blog appears with a new post for every picture, so when you subscribe, you sometimes get 14 posts a day from her, instead of 1 post with 14 pictures, and I sometimes have a heart attack when I see how many posts I have to read in the morning! :-)

7. Whiteyyy!!!! How could I miss out on my favourite hole-in-the-head cat in all the world? Whitey’s story is another wonderful story of a beat up streetcat come good. But not only did he heal up and become a healthy cat, but he managed to get in with the beautiful Gray boys, after ANOTHER story of sadness – happiness!

8. Kitty City Gazette. I have to confess I’m biased here, as Sharyn is a special friend of mine, but her stories are so hillarious and wild and whacky, I have no idea how her bean mind works. (and it makes me a little scared!) :-)

Oh dear, I really hope I haven’t forgotten anyone else, I can’t bear to imagine upsetting anyone by missing out a dear friend!

Freya’s MUST SEE Blogs.

Hi everyone,

I was thinking the other day, how many blogs I f0llow, and I was concerned that every morning, I wake up, and there’s about 50-70 updates to go through.

It’s quite daunting, but I can’t bring myself to neglect any of my kittie friends, but in my hurry to visit everyone, I don’t leave any comments. I wish there was a simple button to say “I’ve been and loved it, but didn’t leave a comment” because I visit so many, and I really hope they don’t think that I’ve forgotten them or anything.

Just for fun though, I thought I’d list my top 5 blogs that I coudln’t do without. If you’re not on the list, don’t worry, I REALLY love you, and still probably visit you every day.

1. Daisy the curly cat. I really have no idea how Daisy, Harley and their Mom manage to do such good posts everyday, and even appear to comment on everyone’s blogs every day too. Totally deserved No1 position.

2. The Cat Blogosphere. I almost left this out! How could I forget this favourite grandpa/grandma site, looking out for the best of all of us? It is such a rich source of info, and doesn’t ask for anything at all back. I LOVE EVERYONE AT THE CAT BLOGOSPHERE!! Thank you from the tip of my tail for everything you do for cat blogging. We really need you.

3. Love and hisses. This blog is about two litters of kittens, one of which has an eyelid issue. I’ve followed their story since they appeared, and so happy that it’s coming to a conclusion. It’s so well written with so many excellent kitten pictures, you just can’t afford to miss it!

4. Meezer Tails. There’s not often many pictures on this blog, but I love the way it’s written. The kitties are SO RUDE about their Mom Lady Person, and each other, but they always seem to get away with it!

5. Huffle Mawson, Explorer cat. The main reason I love Huffle so much, is he reminds me of my late Auntie Scampie, and she even huffed too! That’s not to say he isn’t a hunky mancat or anything, but you know..

EDIT: I now know that Huffe is a girlcat. I’m really sorry Huffle, I thought you were a girl originally, and then something made me think otherwise. Noe idea why, and no excuse. Love ya!

Bengal cat gets a bear hug

I’m really sorry if I didn’t mention you here, If we’re friends, I still visit you, and care about you very much.

Love and headbonks to everyone!


PS – What are YOUR must have blogs?

More about FOAL Farm

You remember we had a post a while ago, where dadcat took a video and filmed every cat at our local rescue home, FOAL Farm?

Well, we had a lovely email from their Bosscat, saying how much they enjoyed the film, and inviting Dadcat to go and meet some of them, and have a cup of coffee! After the coffee, he was taken to the isolation block, which is the place where the sick kitties go, and where the kittens go before they’re old enough to be adopted!

I don’t know why I’m sounding excited though, as I’m sure you KNOW, Dadcat can’t be trusted around kittens that need homes… so now he’s probably going to take momcat there, and they’re going to come home with a baby brother for me!!! I have no idea how I’ll react, but it may be worth lots of treats for as long as I can get away with it!

Of course, they’ll have a serious think about a baby brother first, as adopting kittens is a serious business, of course!

Bengal cat with pretend kittenDaddycat thinks this is going to happen when I get a baby brother.
Hmmmm, I wonder…..