All about MEE!

Chick-hen legs?

Whenever I start cleaning my tum-tum, everyone looks at me and shouts Chick-hen legs! Chick-hen legs!

My legs are MUCH bigger and more muscly than a chick-hen’s! I don’t know what they’re talking about!

Bengal cat licks tummy

When I say bigger and more muscly though… I don’t mean to imply they’d be jucier and more succulent though!!!


Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July, Americans!


Home-made Perfect Litter Tray!

Daddycat’s had a stroke of genius, even if I do say so myself!

I’ve been a bit careless with my litter tray etiquette. Sometimes I stand at the back of the litterbox, and wee, and well, I’m afraid most of it goes on the wall, and then down under the carpet!

I’m sorry that I sometimes miss, but at least I always supervise the clean-up operation with a pretty face, and a spring in my step!

Anyway, Daddycat had an idea! He bought a big storage box, and cut half of it out, so if I do wee against the wall, it hits the box, and runs down! The front is cut away too, so I don’t have to do an impression of a high-jumper to pole-vault into my litter!

If this is helpful, please encourage me with a comment, and I’ll post more!

High sided cat litter tray-1High sided cat litter tray

I got a flip camera!

Ok, well it’s not MY flip camera, I couldn’t hold it – I don’t have the opposable thumbs, but whenever Daddycat buys a new toy, he always uses it a lot. A Flip Camera is a very small video camera, that’s very easy to grab and film something quickly.

I think Daddycat wantes to be like Shaycarl and become a famous video blogger, but Idon’t think he’s funny enough.

So in the meantime, he’s going to be posting LOTS of short videos of me performing for you guys, I expect!

This shows day 2 of Daddycat’s obedience training. When I’ve had enough of running around andfeeling tired, I lie on my back, and he dangles a toy above me, so I can play with it lying down! Good Daddycat!

Thanks for watching!

Where’s Elin?

Dear fellow kitties,

I had a thought today… do you remember Elin?

The cute cat named Elin

Erin cute cat

Well Back on Jun 22nd her home was robbed, and all her computer and internet was stolen. Elin was all on her own too when the robbers broke in!

I’m not sure about the other details, but it seems she was taken too, but somehow scratched the burglars, and ran off and found her way home again.

Elin is very nervous now, and scared of people, and doesn’t like to go outside.

I’ve never met Elin, but it seemed such a traumatic story, I think we should all say a little purrayer for Elin and her family.

I hope everything’s ok with them, they haven’t posted for a while.