All about MEE!

How to read a ton of blogs with a reader!

Hi everyone, Science Freya here again…

Science Freya

Today’s Science blog was inspired by Jasper McKitten-Cat.

You may be wondering how Daisy and Harley manage to read and comment on EVERY Kittie blog in the Kittieverse….  ???  Well wonder on, because even very clevver Science Kitties like me wonder that too!

But for mortal cats like us, we have to use something called a reader. I haven’t tested every reader in the kittieverse, but I can tell you how I do it…

Whenever I’m sitting at Daddycat’s computer, I have a bookmark at the top labelled <NEXT> when I click that, a new unread blog (that I’ve previously subscribed to) opens. I read it, maybe comment, and then click <NEXT> again, and a new one opens up!!

Google reader next button


To do this, I use something called google reader. Whenever I see a blog I like, I copy the address (such as and then open Google Reader, and at the top left, I click <add new subscription> and then paste in the address.

google reader add subscription

Easy peesy!

To do the magical <NEXT> button trick, open google reader, and click settings

google reader settings

and then goodies.. (I like that word!)

google reader goodies

Finally, drag and drop the word Next>> and drop it into your bookmarks toolbar at the top of your browser!

Google reader next button

Easy peesy, Lemon Squeezy????

From now on, if you ever see this picture at the side of a great blog,

Add to Google Reader or Homepage

you can just click it, and you’re subscribed!

If you do get stuck, let me know, and I’ll come to your house, and sit on your lap and show you how to do it. (unless you don’ t live next door, in which case, leave a comment!)

So!!!…. Try it now, – click Add Subscription, and ADD!


PHEW! Can i have a chick-hen treat now daddycat???

nom nom nom..

Science Freya

Science Freya nom nom, signing nom off now. nom

I got a Walking Jacket!

My walking jacket arrived yesterday from JOYKATZ in Americaland!! I used to have a harness, but it had very thin straps, and it used to dig into me a lot, and feel very uncomfortable! The new one also has a sexy bengal print on it, so it’s COMPLETLY invisible when I wear it!

Also, the old one was so fiddly that I used to lose patience with it and get too fidgety to put it on. This new one has velcro straps, although they make a terrifying sound when you take them off, they’re very quick to fasten!

It feels really weird when they first put it on, and it made me do a funny walk and I’d walk sideways and other silly moves. Both Mom & Dadcat both laughed at me! I’ll teach ’em – I’ll wee on the doormat to get them back! That’ll show ’em!

After a few minutes, I got the hang of it, and went outside!

Anyway, here’s my video!

Cats manipulate owners?? Nonsense!

OH NOES!! Our secret is out! Some spies have been investigating our kittie secrets, with the help of traitor kitties too!

Spies at the University of Sussex in the UK have been doing secret testing on kitties and have discovered about the “secret purr” that we do first thing in the morning. You know – when we purr, but add a little cry into it at the same time?


Pepo - Traitor kittie or unwilling victim?

Those human beans just can’t resist the magical trick purr, and always give in  to us when we use our secret weapon. But I think that now the secret’s out, maybe the Beans won’t do as they’re told?

The best time to use “the cry purr” is first thing in the morning, and it’ll never fail to get your bean out of bed to feed you.

Chief Spy, Dr Karen McComb was inspired to initiate the study because her own cat, Pepo, had the knack of consistently waking her up in the mornings with insistent purring.
She says: “I wondered why this purring sounded so annoying and was so difficult to ignore. Talking with other cat owners, I found that some of them – including co-Spy Anna Taylor – also had cats who showed similar behaviour.”

They’ve even got examples of our secret purrs here –

The full spy research is here.


I have a number of nicknames…

  • Frasie-Fru
  • Frusie-Woosie
  • Little Miss Fru-fru
  • Spotty cat
  • Boo-boo
  • Baby-boo
  • Baby-cat

You know, sometimes I feel like I just have no dignity or respect around here! Why couldn’t they just call me Mrs Kittie or something like that???

Bengal cat looks smug-1

Goodness! That picture makes me look like I’ve been eating too many cheezburgers!

Good luck charm.

I’ve read that when a cat is holding its leg up for normal cleaning, some people apparently think it’s good luck to grab the leg whilst it is in the air.

Bengal cat holds leg in the air

I can’t say it would be very good luck for you if you were to grab MY leg!! I have so many teeth and claws!

Have a great weekend!

