All about MEE!

Mirror Image

I wonder… is it a bad thing when your reflection looks better than you do?

Bengal cat in reflectionI like that I’ve got the mouth-open looking like a Tiger thing goin’ on here though. But really, Daddycat should be focussing on ME, not The bin!


Usually when I sneeze, I shake my head at the same time, blessing everyone near with little drops of Freya-love.

I’m not sneezing here though, I’m just making fun of how Daddycat looks when he sneezes.

Bengal cat sneezes


I think I’ve found daddycat’s private video collection!
Even worse, I think it IS *that* sort of video collection.. It seems that Daddycat has been to see Auntie Barbara, who’s a bit of an expert Abyssinian cat breeder. As he & mommacat were there, they were taken to see one of the girl-cat and man-cats there, who apparently, were meant to be “performing”….

I don’t know what sort of “performance” they were meant to see, but it definately wasn’t a song or a dance sort of performance!

Modesty forbids me from saying what they were doing, but afterwards, the mancat seemed very fond of the girl cat, but the girl cat really didn’t want to be friends with him anymore. How sad?

I know how important it is to be nice to each other for the sake of the kittens!

So anyway, I’ve edited it so it is safe for kittens to watch.. And at the end, there is a spotty Ocicat there, that they filmed because it was a wannabee Bengal! He’s very pretty though, but of course, not as pretty as me!…

Nobody’s watching!

You may remember from my famous dance video, that I dance like nobody’s watching…

well, while Daddycat’s away, I also have been known to sing like nobody’s watching too! Bengal cat does a big yawn

Daddycat thinks I look like a angelic choir girl cat, but when I sing, I just sing my heart out, and I’m FAR from an angel!

What else do you think I do when nobody’s watching?

A serious moment

Hey Friends!

This is an urgent call for help! My mom and dad are abandoning me! They’re going away for 2 weeks to scotlandshire tomorrow, and they’re leaving me behind!

Bengal cat has serious expression

They did offer to take me with them, and drop me off with Grandma-cat, 4 hours drive away, but I declined, because I don’t like car journeys… The constant meowing makes me hoarse, and I’m quite a nervous cat, and prefer to stay at my home, where I’m safe, and can sleep soundly.

Luckily, my friend Elizabeth and her mom are going to move in and feed me, and I hope she looks after me as well as she did last time!

She’s very nice to me, but just in case, could all of my friends visit every morning, and drop off some chick-hen and salmon through the letterbox, just in case she’s forgotten and I’m starving?

Still, I’m going to have to work hard to keep blogging while they’re away..