All about MEE!

I got a present!

A box arrived for me yesterday!

Bengal cat gets a box

It arrived from Sharyn, from the funniest cat web site around – The Kitty City Gazette!

It had one of their new T-Shirts, and a very special outfit for me!

Bengal cat wears a tie collar-3

Isn’t it the cutest thing ever????

Bengal cat wears a tie collar-1

LOOK AT ME!!! I’M a MODEL!!  Just like Daisy and Hunky Harley!!

Bengal cat wears a tie collar-2

If I dress up very smart, and wait very patiently, do you think any mancats will come a-calling?

Speak to you all soon!



An IMPORTANT call for support from cat owners.

Fellow kitties, I read a very sad news article today about a poor cat called Wilbur. It seems he was happily walking around outside, when he was caught and eaten by a neighbours “pet” python that was left outside unattended.shapeimage_2

It seems that legally, the neighbour has done nothing illegal, as pythons are NOT on the dangerous animals list, even though an adult python is capable of easily eating a person! Because the python isn’t venemous, it’s not legally considered dangerous, I feel this is an idiotic stance, as a python is a constrictor, and certainly doesn’t need venom to kill.

Even worse news, the UK government, in Autum (fall) 2009 is looking to relax the dangerous animals act, to make it EASIER to keep dangerous animals without a license.

So fellow kitties, I ask you to re-blog this, and re-tweet this, as we need to petition the UK government here to tell them how we feel.

Unfortunately, I believe this petition is only for UK subjects.

So let’s make poor Wilbur’s death count for something, and get the law thought about!

There’s more info at Wilbur’s website.


Let’s give poor Wilbur’s Momcat & Dadcat all the support and purrs we can!

If you can think of any way they can get more publicity, then please let Wilbur’s family know! They simply can’t do anything, and just lost their cat for no reason.

Tagged by Loki

I’ve been tagged by my friend Loki!

The rules are:

You have to do 1, 2 OR 3.

  1. post 7 facts about yourself AND photos
  2. post 10 facts about yourself with no photos,
  3. post a childhood picture of yourself.”

Daddycat’s going to answer for me…

  1. We live in Orpington, Kent, UK. it’s a nice place, just plain and simple suburbia.
    my house
  2. I’m 40… I think?
  3. I love cute furry animals…
  4. I’m a big tough man, and I love gory horror films, but I usually cry when a cat or a dog dies or gets hurt on TV (or when I read about it on a blog). (I think it’s from Auntie Scampie dying.) Humans don’t affect me at all!
  5. Even though Freya’s Mummycat doesn’t live here, Freya is still mummy’s girl.
  6. I work as a video producer, making corporate videos. I’m also an IT consultant, and I’ll do (almost) anything else that pays money.
  7. I used to be quite slim, but I like food, and I’m 40 now and have no self-discipline. 30 year-old’s should start getting worried.
  8. I like cars but can’t afford flashy ones anymore.chris car
  9. Here’s a childhood picture of me. Escort Mk1I’m pulling a funny face because I’m actually sliding sideways like a racing driver. Or something. This was when I was about 19, and my Ford Escort Mk1 was the coolest car to have. 100 points to anyone who can tell me what the  name of those wheels is. They were the coolest wheels to have in the 80s.
  10. I had a brain hemorrhage when I was 24, and have a really cool scar on the side of my head, in my hair. I’d love to show a picture of the scar, but it’s a little gruesome.  Although, no animals were hurt, so that’s fine.

I know I should tag some others, but I’m not sure who’s been done or not, but I’m going to go for….

Huffle Mawson, as he has the best name

Brian’s home cos he’s a fellow cat blogger who isn’t a girl too…

And the funniest cat website of them all… Kitty City Gazette

A new project?

Daddycat loves this video.

You may have heard about cat excercise wheels, but this is the best video of them all.  If you skip to 2:08 you’ll see a cat actually galloping! I’ve never seen this in a cat excercise wheel video before.

Cats have class, and rarely go faster than a brisk canter, but this cat really shows how graceful and powerful us cats really are!

Unfortnately, Daddycat doesn’ t love me enough to spend $700 and buy me one…. oh no.. He’s gonna make me one. Has anyone seen any plans to make one out of wood? The difficult bit seems to be making the running platform, that’s a curved circle about 30cm x 1m diameter.

Can any woodworking kitties out there offer a suggestion??

They’re back! They’re back! They’re back!

Momcat & Dadcat are back!!  I was planning to sulk and be miserable and make them suck up to me for at least a month after leaving me, but when they arrived, I just forgot myself and didn’t leave their sides all evening.

It’s nice to have someone warm to snuggle up with again…



Edit by Dadcat: I’d recommend going away to anyone! Freya hasn’t been so affectionate in months!