(Some of you will already have seen a draft of this article, as last Friday, I hit publish instead of draft! Clumsy paws!)
So…. It’s fairly common knowledge that with domestic cat body language, you can tell a lot from the position of the tail. If it’s straight upright or upright with a hook on the tip, it shows a happy and confident cat.
Well, I read something interesting about us Bengals the other day, and it got me thinking. (The Bengal cat is a cross breed between an Asian Leopard Cat, and a domestic cat.)
Apparently, a characteristic of a Bengal cat is that instead of holding their tail bolt upright like a domestic cat, their tail hangs low, as a link back from their wild cat ancestry!
Now, I hadn’t heard that before, so we took some pictures to see, and I think it might be true! I’d be very interested to hear about other opinions from our Bengal friends too! Do your tails hang low as well?

Chatzi has a low tail

My tail also hangs low like a wild cat!

My tail usually has this curve to it

Teego's tail is typically upright, and you can see my tail in the foreground too!
Of course, this isn’t a scientific study, and while we were photographing these pictures, sometimes, Chatzi’s tail did go straight up, although my tail never goes higher than in the last picture, and always has that curve to it!
Has anyone else heard about this apparent Bengal trait?