All about MEE!

Happy purrthday to meeee!!

It’s my purrthday! I’m 6 years old today, and been with my mommacat and daddycat for exactly 1 year now!

You can read my exciting story about how I came to be adopted here!

From my mommacat, I got a crinkly bag, that magically refills with treats whenever I look away, and it’s so beautifully covered, it looks exactly like my own colouring!

From my daddycat, I got a back scratching glove which feels lovely when I’m stroked with it.

And then finally, I got a big cuddle too.

For my birthday breakfast, they bought me the most expensive stinky goodness they could find, and I loved it! Do you know, it’s more expensive than hoomin food!

This food is just SOOOO delicious, I hope they don’t think I’m going to eat normal cat fud tomorrow!

And as an extra special treat for my birthday, I even GOT MY PICTURE IN THE KITTY CITY GAZETTE!!!! I’m so proud!!


I got an AWARD!!

It gives me great pleasure to receive my first award!

Many thanks to Kali, Mazi, and Simba at Bengal Cat Domination for this lovely award.

I’ve never had an award before, but it seems that I have to list 6 things that I like, and then pass the award onto my 6 favourite blogs.

1. I love Da Glittery thing
2. I love exploring under the kitchen cupboards (now with video!)
3. I love the sound of my own voice! (oh YES!)
4. I love my home-made climbing post!
5. I love Basil Brush
6. I love all my friends in the BLOGOSPHERE!!! (I visit you every day!)

So now, I’ll pass it onto my 6 most favourite blogs in all the world.

1. It can only be – HARLEY!!
2. Criz Cats sanctuary – Joey made me cry with his bad eye recently.
3. The Adventures of Tanjiro, Uschi-Swirl, & Vladimir
4. The cat blogosphere – you’re like everyone’s favourite uncle.
5. Samwise and Merry – They’re some of my kittens! How could such boisterous boys have come from my graceful and dainty loins???
6. Frodo and Gandalf – They’re also some of my kittens! – it hasn’t been updated for 7 months, since Frodo was run over and killed :-( but I still visit there every month or so to see how Gandalf is and if it’s been updated.

Famous Freya?

Last night, I was happily minding my own business, jumping for joy, about having such a lovely mommacat and daddycat, and that flashing thing went off again and blinded me.

If I wasn’t embarrassed enough by being caught in a moment of blissful “private time”, Can you imagine what Daddycat’s done? He’s submitted it to I can has so that everyone in the world will see me and laugh! (click the picture to vote for it as your favourite picture in all the world!)

funny pictures

Fast as Lightning!

Hi Everybody – It’s me Freya!

I’m fed up of daddycat talking for me, and making fun of my fancycats and making poor Hunky Harley embarassed!

(Hi Hunky Harley! )

Anyway, the other day, I was defending my family from this glittery thing, while mommacat kept taking pictures of me! How can I pose in all my beauty for her, while theres a glittery thing flying around that needs to be taken care of?

Anyway, here are mommacat’s photos, and actually I’m such a speedycat, I’m all fuzzy! Daddycat says he’ll try it next time with a faster “shutup speed” but I’ve no idea what that is? I won’t be as fast as me anyway!

By the way, you can click my pictures to biggify them too!

Do you know, I’m so fast, that sometimes I’ve turned round, and my bum doesn’t know I’ve turned?

Don’t I get into some funny positions?

Freya has a crush!

I think Freya has a crush!!!

I noticed today that she wasn’t around, and went looking to see where she’d got to, and as I got to my office, I caught her looking at a certain sexy mancat’s website!!!

It’s Harley!!! Freya has a crush on Harley, Daisy’s brother!!

Of course, as soon as she got busted, she denied it, and got all bashful, but I have a suspicion now…