All about MEE!

Freya got featured!

Today, I am in a GOOD mood.

Over at Wendy’s lolspot, I have the great honour of being today’s FEATURED KITTY!!!

Talk about  a lifelong ambition coming true, she’s taken 13 pictures of me, and put her customary funny and punny captions!

I’m really amazed how she comes up with so many! I tried to think up one and sat and puzzled for aaages and ages and ages, trying to come up with just one, and then after about a minute, I saw a shiny thing, and ran after that instead.

So please go and visit Wendy’s funny cat website, and leave her a comment for being so clever and generous with her talent!



One of my friends had trouble finding my page on wendy’s lolspot, so after today,the only way you’ll get to see my pictures, is to to to Wendy’s lolspot home page and then scroll down until you get to the  Friday 25th and Thursday 24th entries.

I got a pressie in the mail!!

I have a new bestest friend! It’s Felicia, From Catladydiary! She sent me a present!!

It came all the way from Americaland, where a lot of my friends come from. It must be very crowded over there, if there are so many cats. Maybe some (the hunky mancats) would like to come here? I have some spare room here?

Anyway, back to my present…

Freya the bengal cat gets a presentDo you see the green picture on it? It’s a catfish, I think?

Freya the bengal cat gets a present-1 There were 2 things in there! A catnip pillow, and some TREATS!!!! Isn’t the pillow beautifully wrapped?

I opened it very easily.

Freya the bengal cat gets a present-2Freya the bengal cat gets a present-3Of course, I found the wrapping just as much fun as the pillow itself!

So a big THANK YOU and headbonk to Felicia from Catladydiary for sending my such a lovely present!

Scabby Lip Disease??

Hi everyone!

Daddycat’s been lazy recently. He says he’s got writers block, but whenever I go for a cuddle, he’s playing some game called Grand theft Auto 4.

So now he has something to write about.

I have a little bald patch on my bottom lip. It often has little flakes of something dark on it, and we don’t think  it’s food, (even though I AM a messy eater) as it’s only on this patch.

The flakes might be blood, but we’ve put them on damp tissue paper, and they haven’t gone red.

When he touches it, it doesn’t hurt me either, but I don’t like to be held down and manhandled so he hasn’t had a good look at it.

The patches are on both sides, although not the same size, so they could be birth marks.

Could you all look in a mirror and see if you have them too?

bengal cat bald patch on bottom lip

thanks, and headbonks.

Update on Elin (the cute cat)

Dear fellow kitties,

Do you remember Elin?

The cute cat named Elin

Erin cute cat

Well back in June, her home was robbed and she was stolen too, but escaped. Since then, she hasn’t posted at all, and it alwasys bothered me that she didn’t post again after that, and I was worried for her.

Well, I sent her an email, and SHE REPLIED!!! this is what she said:

I’m fine, thanks for concern =)

I rarely online now because I don’t have computers and modem anymore, and camera too!

Send my regards to all of our furriends.. I will be back, but I don’t know when..

I’m just relieved that she’s ok anyway.

can I have a treat for being a detective now?

Toesies Tuesday

Bengal cat with whiskas cat foodYou think you’re tough enough to get me down from here??   Forget it monkey boy, I got enough food to last me for HOURS!

I don’t usually talk to my daddycat like this, but I’d just come in from outside, and I’m still wearing my walking jacket, and I feel a little tough!