All about MEE!

Progress report on Kittie World War 3

So… A week has passed, and no work has been achieved in the Freyacat household.

In general, things are looking up. Unfortunately for Freya, Chatzie was not taken by The Rapture, although co-incedentaly, his name has something to do with the Bible.

His name was made up because it was similar to a town in Bengal, and the plan was for it to be unique on the internet. (Good luck with that!) After deciding on the name, we then discovered that there are plenty of other cats called Chatzi, and the name means someone who has visited Jerusalem.

If you search Google for Chatzi though, already the third and fourth items in Google are now Freyacat links!

So things are progressing reasonably well with us kitties. Daddycat has so far filmed SIX HOURS of footage of us meeting and interacting, and he’s very pleased with it, although it’ll take a long time to go through it all!

This week, We’ve both been visiting Chatzi in his guest suite, and he seems to have created some sort of bond with Teego – they’ve both been following eachother around in Chatzi’s room.  The funny thing is, that hours later, we often found Teego waiting outside Chatzi’s door! Even trying to get in sometimes!

Yesterday was the first time Chatzi was allowed downstairs to OUR area, rather than us going upstairs to him. Of course I wouldn’t let him near me, and he’s even not allowed to LOOK at me without a hiss! As soon as he saw me, he ran straight at me, sniffed my nose very gently, and I hissed straight back into his face! That showed him who’s boss!

We put up with Chatzi well enough, and he stayed out last night, and he snuggled up with Daddycat, went to sleep and behaved himself all night!

The morning feeding time was fun though!

I was so busy with my food, I didn’t notice that Chatzi was RIGHT NEXT TO ME! So when I noticed, I growled while I was eating! Everyone laughed at the funny noise I was making!

We have a routine here. I get fed first, while Teego sits on the bin, and as soon my bowl is down, Teego runs into the lounge with his food following closely behind, and he eats in there.

Of course, nobody thought to teach this to Chatzi, so as soon as my food went down, he TRIED TO EAT IT! I asked him politely not to do that, by screaming and hissing and whapping him.

While all the chaos of three cats all trying to eat some breakfast, there were some cats who were clearly trying to take advantage of the confusion!

Ho ho, how everyone laughed at our Kittie high-jinks!

Chatzi got fed last, at the other end of the lounge, and because he hasn’t learned yet, he had a little bit of food, and then wandered off. Now we’re too smart to do that, because if you leave any food, someone will eat it for you! So we both finished off Chatzi’s breakfast for him.

He’ll learn, soon enough!

I popped down to meet my Brofur and Sisfur!

Today I was allowed to go downstairs to meet Freya and Teego for the first time outside of my guest room! Teego was very polite to me, after what happened earlier…**

**Whenever I meet Teego, I like to chase him, and jump on him, because he just stands there and takes it, like a dummy! Well, it turns out he’s not a dummy, and earlier today, he turned round and gave me the smacky paw-o-doom all around my head, and gave me a squinty eye for a minute or so. I’m ok now, but I think I’ve learned a lesson about my big brofur now…

Can you see my funny eyes here (click to biggify) – It looks like there’s tremendous stress and I’m terrified, but really, I’m just looking at Teego, and the camera seems to take funny pictures of my eyes!

I’m looking cute here, in case Freya fancied coming down off her high perch to say hello (without swearing). It didn’t work though. :-(

This is the very first time I used our climbing post! I climbed up it very slowly, whereas Freya & Teego run up it with about 3 bounds!

Finally, here’s a video of me playing with my cigar from within a box. I’m VERY fast, and SCAREY! You should be afraid, Daddycat was!!


A Message From Mr Chatzi Kitten!

Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for all your lovely welcoming comments! Apparently, the day I was announced, this blog received 3 times as many visitors as usual, so I’m very priviledged to have so many kind furrends!

It’s all been such a whirlwind for me! It’s been very exciting though – I love my new Mommacat and Daddycat, and I’ve briefly met my brofur and sisfur too! I’m not sure my sisfur’s language is sutable for little kittens ears, but I’ll have to manage…

I’m currently staying in the guest room, which is very big and nice compared to my pen at Foal Farm, but I’ve become accustomed to a swimming pool, which this guest room doesn’t have!

Daddycat has moved his bed into my room, so I can sleep cuddled up to him at nights.

I simply *can’t wait* to be let out into the main house, and whenever I’m left alone, I call and call until someone comes to visit me, and then I run through their legs through the door! The only problem is that when I get out the door, I don’t really know where to go, so they always catch me!

Here’s a video of me caling out so sweetly for anyone  to OPEN THE DOOR!


More about our new brother Chatzi!

We’ve been talking about our new brother… We got to meet him today. First of all Mommacat and Daddycat took Teego in to meet him, and he was quite well behaved. Teego hissed a couple of times at him, which in itself is unusual, as Teego is a VERY polite young mancat, and NEVER swears or hisses EVER. Teego sat on a little box so he was higher than Chatzi, and the two of them just looked at eachother for about 5 minutes, and Teego occasionally would very quietly growl under his breath.

Then Teego came out, and they took me in to meet him. Now if you’ve seen the film about when I first met Teego, You’ll remember that I have quite the potty-mouth, but I didn’t lay the smacky paw-o-doom on little Chatzi as I thought I’d give him a little chance. It wasn’t that I was scared of him or anything, but I went straight to the door, and wanted to leave the room. I wasn’t scared, he just smelt nasty, like little brothers do. Yes that’s it, of course I wasn’t scared!

He has amazing wild eyes doesn’t he? I think my friend Harley has been giving him lessons on sexy eyes!

He also has an unusual roundness to his muzzle, like the shape of a golfball! It’s hard to capture it in a photograph, but this is the best so far..

Overall, I think he’s pretty enough to be part of our family… But don’t tell him, we’re not gonna make it easy for him until he learns his proper place…. ok?

Say hello to our new family member!

Welcome Chatzi!

I know this will have come as a bit of a surprise to you all, since we weren’t looking for a new family member, but there’s a lovely story to his arrival!

A couple of days ago, we had a phone call from our friend Lisa from FOAL farm, the rescue home where we got Teego. Daddycat volunteers there occasionally too, and they’re big fans of this blog! Lisa explained that they had a male Bengal kitten come in and they couldn’t give him out to just anyone, as Bengal cats are a little specialist and can’t be homed with inexperienced cat owners.

Makes me feel quite proud to be a Bengal cat!

Anyway, the previous owners had bought him as a kitten from a Breeder, but they also had a number of very young children and it was all too much for them with the very young kids and a high-maintenance kitten too! So being responsible people, they took the little kitten to FOAL to see if they could rehome him.

Once he arrived at FOAL, he instantly became the talk of the farm, as he is rather striking looking, and he LOVES cuddles! He’s rather vocal too, and calls all the time when he wants attention!

So Lisa called us, knowing that we already had an incredibly beautiful Bengal cat, graceful, intelligent, famous, did I say beautiful already? (Daddycat: HEY! What’s going on! Freya, get off the keyboard!) Lisa knew we already had some old spotty cat, so wondered if we might be interested in another. She emphasised that there was no pressure at all, but we didn’t need to be told twice!

The next day we shot over to FOAL, and were bowled over by the little kitten who was then called Banjo. They’d put as many stimulating toys and dangly things as they could into his pen, and the cardboard box is actually his own personal activity centre, that Natasha had custom built especially for him!

And what do you think the green thing at the bottom left is? How many kittens in a rescue home have their own swimming pool? Chatzi LOVES water! At his previous home he was always getting into the bath and the sink, and even when we went to see him, his paws and belly were wet!

You can imagine, this was an incredible bolt from the blue, but even more amazingly, two days earlier, a friend had been visiting FOAL farm, and seen a beautiful Bengal kitten, taken 6 photos of him, and wondered if the big RESERVED sign on his pen was because of us! We asssured them that we knew nothing about the Bengal! So how amazing that two days later, We should get a call, about the exact same Kitten!

I did a video tour around FOAL farm a while ago if you want to take a look at what it’s like there!