All about MEE!

Purina gives 20 Pallets of food to Caboodle Ranch!

I’ve just found out that Purina, the cat food manufacturer has donated 20, yes TWENTY pallets of food and treats to Caboodle Ranch. If you’re wondering who Caboodle Ranch is, I did a story about them a while ago. If you can’t visualise how much that is, it’s pretty much a full articulated lorry or for Americans, I think it’s called a Semi trailer?

I’m really bowled over by their generosity, although to a huge company like Purina, 20 pallets is probably a drop in the ocean! Craig from Caboodle Ranch says it’ll last them a good 3-4 months, and about a year’s worth of treats.

It’s interesting that Purina should pop up on the radar again as last week the buzz on the internet was about the Purina cat chow correspondant. A part time job worth $50,000! And even more exciting was that our very good friends Tamar Arslanian from I have cat and Skeezix’s mom are both amongst the 12 finalists!!!

We mix with such celebrity friends, don’t we?

Anyway, could it be that this is the first instance of a big corporate actually “getting” the intenet and understanding it’s potential? What other instances can you guys think of where large bumbling corporates have actually understood what the potential of the internet is for FREE publicity and good brand image?

I suppose there are a lot of viral videos around now, which is a great start, but the internet is capable of so much more, and I’m interested in other examples…

So thank you Purina. I hope this generous act generates all the positive publicity you deserve. And you never know, if this works, maybe Craig will get another donation in around  months time!


Dressup with Flat Skeezix!

During the Royal Wedding, we invited Flat Skeezix over to some Royal Wedding parties with us! We had a lovely time, and he behaved himself impeccably.

We’ve had great fun with Flat Skeezix, and he’s spent the last week on Daddycat’s desk. Imagine our surprise, when we caught him yesterday dressing up as Teego!

How we laughed! Cheeky little Meezer!! :-) He’s such fun to have around!

Shaving kittie fur!

Now we’re planning the new kittie film, We’ve got some fur samples, but the pile of the fur is quite long… So Daddycat thought he could shave it down.

I think he needs a little snoopervision, to make sure he does it right.Uh-Oh! Here comes Scaredy Freya! She won’t want me to tell you, but she’s only being brave enough to come over and have a look because the shaver’s actually turned off!So after all that shaving, the fur with dark flecks just isn’t looking right, but the lighter fur looks about the right colour for Teego. It’s very difficult to shave though, because as soon as you start shaving with the clippers, the fur lays flat and doesn’t get shaved.

Are there any experts out there that are expert in shaving fake fur? I’d love some advice!

I’m going to order 1meter of the light coloured fur on the right, as it’s the right colour, and we can hopefully stain little patches to match Teego’s colouring… Any ideas? Maybe we could use Tea for staining?

Lobster FEAST!

Last week, Daddycat bought a lobster to try, because the supermarket was selling them cheap, and of course we were fully expecting our fair share!

While he was preparing, I decided to play a trick on daddycat – as soon as his back was turned for a moment, I jumped up and had a sniff of what he’d got out for us!

Unfortunately, it was in a hard shell, so I waited, almost patiently, for him to give us what was rightfully ours!

As soon as the plate goes down, I’m so clever – I’ve learned to always go for the food on Teego’s side, so he doesn’t get to have any!

He tries to push in, but even though he’s bigger than me, he respects my authority as I push him away!

When I’ve finished, I let him share a little edge of my plate of Lobster!

Aren’t I generous for sharing my Lobster with him?


Another idea for a film!

Have you seen this film yet? It’s called Crossed Wires, by Superchunk.

So having seen that, it really grabbed our imagination, and we want to make a similar film!  We’re currently brainstorming ideas, and trying to get some fake fur to make the the paws and the chin like in the film.

In the process of contacting all the fake fur companies, we emailed 5 companies with our bizarre requirements – “I know this may sound strange, but we want to buy enough fake fur for two cat legs, and the underside of a cat chin.”

I bet that doesn’t arrive in many fur supplier’s inoxes too often?

Most suppliers didn’t bother to reply, but there was one supplier that did. And what a reply!

They explained that they weren’t a manufacturer, so didn’t have offcuts as such, but there was one type of fur that they thought might do, and explained that all fake fur was usually much longer pile than a cat’s leg would be.

and to top it off… get this:


When they came back, they said it worked pretty well, and they’d send me some offcuts for free!

Now, I’m willing to award them the Freya Cat GOLD award for customer service!

So if you want a beautiful and luxurious fake fur throw or blanket, please visit Even if they don’t have what you require, I can personally guarantee that they will give you the BEST customer service! Even better – If you enter the discount code COULS-15 you’ll get 15% discount on anything they sell, like fake fur  hats, scarves,gloves, cuffs, boottoppers etc. (offer Valid until Mid November 2011)

I don’t often give free plugs to companies, but I was so struck by the generosity of this company that had never heard of me before yesterday, that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops!

And they have an office cat called Prudence, who is modelling one of their Dusky Rose coloured Fake Fur Throws!