This is day 4… They put the black velvet on the floor, and waited for us cats to get in the right position. and waited. and waited…. and waited….. Silly humans! Don’t they EVER learn????

Freya’s just passed out from all the cute.
Yesterday, My friend Tamar from I Have Cat noticed that Teego looks a little crosseyed in some pictures. It’s funny, because sometimes he looks more crosseyed, and other times he looks less crosseyed. Crosseyedness (That *IS* a word, cos *I* say so!) is quite common in cats and isn’t anything to be concerned about unless the cat has a disease of the vestibular system. (the vestibular system is something to do with balancing and inner ear sorta stuff.)
The Science Freya term is Strabismus. When the eyes point at the nose, it’s called medial or convergent strabismus, and when they point away from the nose its called divergent strabismus.
Who says you never learn anything here!
Anyway, if you *just* catch the light correctly,
and you squint a little,
tilt your head to the side at the correct angle,
you might just notice Teego’s a little cross eyed?

CLAWS. Need I say anything more? I wouldn’t want to be a mouse!