All about MEE!

New Banner Pictures!

Finally, after A YEAR AND A HALF of pestering, daddycat has finally included cute and beautiful titchy Teego officially on this blog.

I have to say that it’s pretty mean for little Teego, that he’s never been officially recognised as the cutest cat on this blog by far. (Freya: HEY! WHAT’S GOING ON HERE!)

Sorry, I must have forgotten to mention that it’s me, Teego writing this… Teehee!

Anyway, he’s made two new banners, and they rotate every 10 seconds or so. But I’ve put them here too so you don’t have to keep looking. (click to biggify them!)

Celebrity Friends!

This is a LOVELY story – One of our friends, Rachel from Mogs Togs, has a kittie blog and also sells Cat Collars.

When the British Prime Minister finally bowed to pressure back in February and got a cat back into No10 Downing Street, My friend Rachael at Mogs Togs sent Larry a welcome present of a couple of their lovely collars. She heard nothing further about it.

There’s been a few pictures going round this week, of Larry the Downing Street Cat, sporting a rather pretty red, white and blue bow-tie, joining in the celebrations for the Royal Wedding. (you can click to biggify any pictures)

But, fellow kitties, can you imagine Rachel’s shock and surprise, when she furrensicaly examined one of the pictures, and discovered that Larry’s bow had been tied onto one of Mogs Togs’s Collars – the blue argle patterned one that they’d sent Larry as a welcome present!

Yay for Rachel! I’m so excited that we kittie bloggers now have a link to the cat at the head of the British Government!

Pet Photos Day 5

This is the final day of our pictures, so I’ll have to go back to proper blogging after this..

We tried some action shots, but it’s quite a small room, and it’s hard to get a nice background.

This is a lovely pose – he’s reaching up really hard, and his mouth is doing something funny!

I love the shadow on this – it’s funny to see how different a pose Teego is doing compared to what his shadow seems to be doing!

These are for our friend Miz Robyn from Love and Hisses. Please feel free to pop a kiss on any one of these next four pictures! :-)

We’ll have to see how my profile compares to Daisy and Harley’s profiles.

I wonder if it’s because he’s a hunky mancat, but TEEGO STILL HAS NO NECK!

It’s funny – the shape of his face looks a little like Top Cat’s with the sticky out bit by his eye it’s not usually there, or at least we’ve not noticed it before!

This is the pose he’s been learning where he sits at the side of the street with a collection bowl for money in front of him.

Pet Photos Part 4

This is day 4… They put the black velvet on the floor, and waited for us cats to get in the right position. and waited. and waited…. and waited…..  Silly humans! Don’t they EVER learn????


Freya’s just passed out from all the cute.

Yesterday, My friend Tamar from I Have Cat noticed that Teego looks a little crosseyed in some pictures. It’s funny, because sometimes he looks more crosseyed, and other times he looks less crosseyed.  Crosseyedness (That *IS* a word, cos *I* say so!) is quite common in cats and isn’t anything to be concerned about unless the cat has a disease of the vestibular system. (the vestibular system is something to do with balancing and inner ear sorta stuff.)

The Science Freya term is Strabismus. When the eyes point at the nose, it’s called medial or convergent strabismus, and when they point away from the nose its called divergent strabismus.

Who says you never learn anything here!

Anyway, if you *just* catch the light correctly,

and you squint a little,

tilt your head to the side at the correct angle,

you might just notice Teego’s a little cross eyed?



CLAWS. Need I say anything more? I wouldn’t want to be a mouse!


Pet Photos Part 3

Hi everybody! This is day 3 of our photo session – OK, there’s only 2 more days to go, and then you’ll have seen all the best pics!

This one really seems to capture the texture of Teego’s fur. the fur on his body is very different to the fur on his tail! Still, it all tastes the same when I’m nipping his butt!


The photographer said “look wistfully into the distance”. How did I do?


The photographer said “look like you’re dumb” How did he do? :-)


I look like a wild animal, having spotted a deer from afar across the plains. Also, can anyone work out what mug it is in the background? It’s quite a famous one….


Look at the little floofball! isn’t he cuuute??


His ears have gone really flat here! He loves his tall post!


The works not finished yet, little buddy – We’re only half way through!

See you tomorrow Friends!!
