All about MEE!

Pet Photos Part 2

This is day 2 of our week of photographs from Daddycat’s friend Simon the Pet Photographer

This batch of photos look really cool with a black background. It might look like they were cut out using Photoshop, but actually, it was against a black velvet background! Doesn’t it look cool? (You can, as usual, click any picture to biggify it)

There’s one picture that shows us being fed SMOKED SALMON treets! We were really well behaved when the smoked salmon came out!

At the end, Teego looks very fierce having caught a vicious and scarey shiney thing!

Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday!

Pet Photos Part 1

Following our photo session last week, we received 250 photos from our friend, Simon the Professional Cat Photographer.

We thought about posting all 250 pictures here, but Daddycat thouht that might be too much. How he could imagine that you guys would tire of seeing pictures of us I dont know! I feel quite insulted!

Anyway, we’ve split the best ones of the lot into 5 batches of pictures, and we’ll put them here this week.

We hope you like them and please forgive our indulgence posting all these pics of us! On Friday, we’ll post the link to the Picasa Album of all of them, in case anyone would like to see more!

A lot of these pictures are of Teego, because when they were photographing, I was busy doing important cat things elsewhere. I wasn’t scared and hiding. I’m very brave OK?

Tomorrow there’ll be many more pictures of me.


On a much sadder note, please visit Sweet Praline’s website, as little Sweet Praline finally went off to The Bridge  this morning, and her Mom is totally heartbroken. (as we all are.)


An Interview With Homer The Blind Kittie

Homer (A cat named Homer) is a newcomer to our Blogosphere, but in the few weeks he’s been around, he’s caused quite a stir!

As soon as we first saw him, we were bowled over by his ability to cope. You only need to watch this video to be impressed! If you didn’t know he was blind, you’d never guess from watching this!

We were instant fans of cutie-pie Homer, and we asked if we could interview Homer’s Mommy, Daniela, about Homer, and what it’s like to have a blind cat! Daniela works in a veterinary hospital, and even takes Homer to work with her sometimes!

She had an unpleasant experience recently, when someone discovered she had a blind cat, declared that they’d have had him put to sleep! Hopefully Blogs like Homer’s will educate people that there’s nothing at all wrong with blind cats, and they can live a totally happy and fulfilled life!


Freya &Teego: How did you come across Homer?
Homer was brought into my office through a group called Friends 2 Ferals ( He was too sick to neuter. His options were either euthanasia or eye removal and rehab.



F&T: What was wrong with his eyes?
Daniela: Due to severe neglect and lack of veterinary care he had a major case of upper respiratory infection and herpes. His eyes had ruptured and were causing him great pain, so we surgically removed them. The minute he woke up from surgery he felt better.


F&T: After the operation, did it take him long to acclimatise, or has he always been blind?
I don’t know if he’s ever had sight, but you’d never know it. Homer is amazing. The day that I brought him home, which was the same day he had surgery, I put him in a small crate. Within an hour, he was climbing and hanging upside down on the side of the crate. I knew then that he would be ok.


F&T: Were there any other allowances you had to make for him?
I really didn’t have to make any allowances except I always keep everything in the same place. Blind animals acclimate to their environment by touch, smell, feel and memory. So, I keep all the furniture in the same place so he doesn’t get confused, or worse, hurt.


F&T: Were there any surprising/amazing things you discovered he could do in spite of his blindness?
Homer surprises and amazes me every day. I have learned so much from him. He is just like any other cat. He loves to play, climb, hide (although not too well) and he definitely has his own opinions.


F&T: Is there anything that Homer simply can’t do?
The only thing that Homer can’t do is see with his eyes. He can do anything that other cats can do. Most people who meet him don’t even notice that he is blind until they actually look at his face. He can see with his ears, his nose, his whiskers and his heart. We don’t allow him outside for fear of danger, but he doesn’t even know there is a world beyond the walls where he lives and doesn’t seem to mind. As far as he is concerned the whole world is within the walls of his home.


F&T: Does he jump if you touch him when he’s not expecting it? (as if you’d crept up on him)
Not at all. There is no way to sneak up on Homer. His senses are so acute that he is absolutely aware of every sound, smell, touch and vibration. He probably knows when someone is coming up behind them even before they actually do..haha


F&T: If you pick him up for a cuddle, do you have to put him back in the same place?
No, he knows the layout of the house as well as anyone else. He has his favorite spots just like any other cat.


F&T: Do you have any tips for anyone who also has a blind cat?
Having a disability doesn’t have to mean disabled. I think there are a lot of preconceived notions that blind cats have no quality of life. I can’t tell you how often someone has said to me that they would have euthanized Homer because of his blindness. Homer is just like any other cat. The biggest advice I could give anyone who is thinking about adopting a cat is to not overlook a cat just because he/she is blind. They deserve the same kind of love and care as any other animal and are just as “abled” as any other animal.


F&T: Are there any support websites for people who have blind cats?
There is a lot of information out there. People can go to Homers website at or Someone else who we learned about after I got Homer is another blind cat named Homer. His mommy actually wrote a book about him called Homers Odyssey – which is amazing. I highly recommend it.


F&T: Could you give him a snuzzle from us?
Snuzzling is one of Homers favorite things to do. Thank you so much for the time. We love educating folks on the awesome life of Homer and all of his blind counterparts.

F&T: Thank you so much for talking to us. Everytime we see your videos, we’re amazed at how able he is, and what a happy and fulfilling life he’s having.

We met a professional photographer today!

Today, we were very lucky, because daddycat’s friend, who is a professional photographer, came round to photograph us!

You see, this is what happens when you’re published celebrity kittens. (We get to lie about our age too)

Anyway, he sent a few photos over tonight for a joke, so we’re publishing them here for a joke too.

Especially the one of Daddycat at the end!

If you want to see what pictures the professional cat photographer took, there’s a five day series of the best , starting here His name is Simon Earwicker, and this is his website

What do you think of Teego’s Pantaloons?? Haw haw!!!


Hey! He cut off my head! Grandma Cat does that with family portraits!


I don’t know if you do this in America, but this one looks like Daddycat is doing the “I’m a little teapot” dance! Do you know this song in America?
Mind you, Daddycat think’s he’s very cool, because he’s wearing his Twinkie t-shirt, and you can’t get twinkies in the UK. So everyone asks what is it? I don’t see why that’s cool???


Hopefully, these are not the best stock photos from today!

We got mentioned in a proper magazine!

Do you remember a while ago, we were interviewed by Your Cat Magazine in the UK? Your Cat magazine is the top cat magazine in the UK, so we were shocked when they called us asking for an interview!!

Well, this morning, we received a brown paper envelope in the post, and IT WAS OUR ARTICLE!!

We’d like to give a very warm welcome to anyone new that visits us from that article too! We’ll put some links at the bottom to the other cat bloggers mentioned in the article.

It wasn’t exactly a four-page feature, but I’ve never been in an article before, so I’m still excited about it!

We managed to get in a mention of our dear friend Daisy, (hope it cheers you up after stupid facebook deleted your account!) and the Cat Blogosphere too, so I hope they both get a million more readers now!

If you click the picture above, you’ll be able to read the article.
(You may need to click it again to zoom in)

There’s two pictures of Daddycat in it, and haha! There’s a photo of me using Teego as a pillow! So he IS useful after all!

Here are the links to the others mentioned in the article:

Allotment Cats

Millou’s Blog

Mogs Togs

The Feline network

in memory of
Storm, The Original Furry Fighter
The cat that started us blogging in the first place.