All about MEE!

Fun things to do with your cat!

I’m going to do a few posts on fun things to do with your cat. Technically these are called enrichment activities, but I call them FUN!

I’m a Bengal Cat, and Bengals are very athletic, although I would dispute this. I think pesky baby brofurs are MORE athletic.

Cats are very energetic, and we are the most efficient predators on the planet, and toys that make us run around and hunt are great fun,We’re specifically built to chase and run and jump and pounce! So the sort of toys we like best are the fast moving ones. Technically, we’re ambush hunters, so that means we’re very skilled in sitting still too!

Playing with us helps to build a bond between us and you, as it strengthens the association with you and nice feelings! Not as much as giving us stinky goodness, but hey, you can’t feed us all day! (Well, you could if you wanted to!)

One of our favourite toys is Dabird. As soon as Dabird comes out, Teego will magically appear from wherever he is in the house, and lose all his dignity running and chasing it around the house. And if you don’t move it quick enough, he’ll lose interest!

We use DaShiney-thing as the fevvers in Dabird make Daddycat sneeze!

The other thing that has an amazing effect is the laser pointer – I’m sure everyone has one of those? Teego can be fast asleep, and you only have to move the chain on the laser pointer in the tiniest miniscule way, and he will WAKE UP VERY ALERT instantly, looking around for that pesky little red dot!

This is what we have in our toy box.

How many of our toys do you recognise? (you can click to biggify!)

Of course, the vast majority of these things we’ve only played with once and got bored, but I think Teego’s quite bewildered by the choice in front of him! Actually, he can be really sweet, when he digs into the box, and then pulls out one toy, and starts playing with it!

Next time, I’m going to show you some cool things with Puzzle-Feeders and Climbing Activities!

Animal cruelty people caught and punished!

Back on 17th September 2010, the UK saw a shocking clip of some CCTV that showed some “people” dumping a dog by some grasslands, and then driving away, with the dog trying to follow them. The video shows the man getting out of the car with the dog, obviously excited to be going for a walk, and then you see the man running back to the car leaving the dog behind! As they drive away, you can just make out the dog going to follow them!

Well, the fantastic news is that Jenny Hadfield, 55, from Briary Court, Clayton Brook, Preston, and Michael Hartley, 54, from Daisy Meadow, Clayton Brook, Preston were discovered from their car numberplate, and charged under the Animal Welfare Act.

Dog Dumpers. Prosecuted.

The unwanted dog, a German Spitz Mittel, originally called Brandy was rescued by Woodlands Farm Kennels and renamed Ginger.

Ginger has since been rehomed, and is living in Southampton.

We don’t usually post goggie stories, because frankly, they’re dumb and they smell :-) but it’s just so lovely to hear of animal cruelty being taken seriously, by the law and the courts.

The couple were given a conditional discharge, and fined £100 costs, which isn’t much considering the dreadful act they committed, but their faces and names are now shamed all over the Internet for ever.

All about Pet Insurance.

Recently, when Teego decided to have a munch on a deadly poisonous Lilly/Oleander, he was rushed to the Vet, and the Vet in turn rushed him to the local Animal Hospital to go on a constantly monitored 24hr Drip. Surprisingly, the accomodation at the Animal Hospital was only £35 per night. (with all the Saline drip and required plumbing supplied by my vet.) £35 wasn’t really a lot considering someone would be monitoring Teego’s vital statistics every hour and if anything happened, there was a 24hr emergency Vet on standby.

Teego on a drip at the Animal Hospital

The only catch, was that if the Emergency vet had been called, there would have been a £300 emergency call-out charge. All of a sudden the bill would have become quite significant!

Fortunately, I had the very best in pet insurance. My life insurance broker from suggested I go through them. This gave me such peace of mind that when I went to the vet, I asked if he thought poisoning would be convered, and he quite confidently said yes. So I could quite happily say “Whatever it costs, give him the Rolls-Royce Standard!”

I pay under £10 per month each for both Freya & Teego. Surprisingly, Teego is slightly more expensive, even though he’s only a year old, because apparently, Mancats get into more trouble, and more often than girlcats!

Gingivitus operations aren’t usually covered by insurance.

Here are some tips and things to consider about pet insurance.

  • You can self-insure – I could put £240 (£10 x 2 cats x 12 months) per year into a savings account. (that’s a bit too organised for me though!)
  • Pet insurance isn’t just for Vet’s bills – if your cat causes a crash by running into the road, you could be sued. Check your Pet Insurance covers that.
  • A kittie’s broken leg could cost £800 at the Vets!
  • Pet insurance often offers money to advertise a lost pet. How would you spend £250?  Hire a pet Detective? It’s not gonna cover TV advertising, so in all honesty, I think it’s just hype. I can’t imagine how you’d spend that in a cost effective way. Don’t be swayed by useless benefits when comparing pet insurance…
  • Price comparison websites cover pet insurance, so make good use of them! compare on both bottom-line price AND different types of cover.
  • Most imporantly be aware whether they have a maximum per year payout, (better) or a maximum per condition payout. Per condition is the bad one. If your kittie has a long term ailment, they can walk away once the maximum is reached.  Per year, they’ll have to pay out every year for the same condition (Still with a maximum per year)

Does anyone else have any tips or experiences with Cat Insurance?


April Fool!!!

We’d like to apologise to effuryone that we fooled yesterday with our film!

Teego’s in a new blockbuster film!

I really surprised! How could someone as smart and funny, and intelligent, and good-looking as my Daddycat be SUCH a geeky nerd!???  Did we trick you?

Isn’t it funny, that with the modern internet culture, you can produce the weirdest geekiest spoof film you can dream up, and people will watch it and shrug and say – “it takes all sorts!”

I have to say though, THANK YOU to all the people that fell for it but still posted complimentary responses – You’re so lovely and polite!

I hope nobody was offended by being tricked by our joke film!

And remember Daddycat IS NOT a nerd in real life! ok???



Teego’s in a new blockbuster Film!

Our Daddycat’s a film maker, and he made a new film.

He wanted to have us in the film, but  he didn’t ask me, and he asked the brat, Titchy Teego to be in it. At first I was offended, but then I realised why he wanted Teego and not me.

It’s because Teego is belligerent and unhelpful, and I’m beautiful and clever so I wouldn’t do for that part!

Wanna see Teego being difficult? Click below!


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