I guess that’s it. I can’t persuade Bratzi, sorry, I mean Chatzi to stay away and leave me alone!
He keeps chasing me around and attacking me!
Of course, when it’s food time, I tolerate him but it’s only because I’m so nice, and he behaves himself! This photo is good for comparing our sizes – he looks around the same size as me, but I think it’s the angle. Maybe he’s almost as tall as me, but I’m certainly bigger than him, not that I’m fat, I’m just bulkier. I’m sure he’ll fill out though in time!
After dinner, he’s back to his usual tricks of chasing me around! I scream and whap him, but he’s pretty tough, and he doesn’t seem bothered!..
I guess it’s beginning to sink in now though, as this afternoon, he came over to say he’s sorry.

EEEEEW!! He’s covering me in boy-spit!!
Oh ok, I guess it’s pretty nice to be loved..
See you all soon!
On a sadder note, If you haven’t already heard, my friend Asia, the 2 year old Bengal from Pet Meadow went to The Bridge on Saturday after suffering from suspected Feline Dysautonomia. Daddycat was really upset when he read about that, so please pop over and send them some purrs, because they must be having such a terribly hard time right now.
Asia was a Bengal like Chatzi and me, so we always felt a special bond with her. She loved to jump, and these amazing pictures are how we’ll always remember her. http://epetmeadow.com/2011/02/hang-time/