All about MEE!

I can sleep anywhere!

Look at this!

They tried to block my bed with a load of junk, but I outsmarted them! I still managed to sleep in my bed after all!

Can you tell what 3 items of junk they are? Daddycat has some weird stuff lying around!

If you scroll down, I’ll tell you what it is..

It’s just stuff that was lying on the table next to me, and the Cleaner moved it off the table to clean!

ok, are you ready?

Did you recognise what the things were?

There’s a cat toy, that’s pretty normal. Then there’s a Gorilla tripod, and a weirdest of all, a top hat glovepuppet, with a Rabbit in it!

But I can sleep anywhere!

Chatzi licked me!

I guess that’s it. I can’t persuade Bratzi, sorry, I mean Chatzi to stay away and leave me alone!

He keeps chasing me around and attacking me!

Of course, when it’s food time, I tolerate him but it’s only because I’m so nice, and he behaves himself! This photo is good for comparing our sizes – he looks around the same size as me, but I think it’s the angle. Maybe he’s almost as tall as me, but I’m certainly bigger than him, not that I’m fat, I’m just bulkier. I’m sure he’ll fill out though in time!

After dinner, he’s back to his usual tricks of chasing me around! I scream and whap him, but he’s pretty tough, and he doesn’t seem bothered!..

I guess it’s beginning to sink in now though, as this afternoon, he came over to say he’s sorry.

EEEEEW!! He’s covering me in boy-spit!!

Oh ok, I guess it’s pretty nice to be loved..

See you all soon!


On a sadder note, If you haven’t already heard, my friend Asia, the 2 year old Bengal from Pet Meadow went to The Bridge on Saturday after suffering from suspected Feline Dysautonomia. Daddycat was really upset when he read about that, so please pop over and send them some purrs, because they must be having such a terribly hard time right now.

Asia was a Bengal like Chatzi and me, so we always felt a special bond with her. She loved to jump, and these amazing pictures are how we’ll always remember her.

Chatzi seems to be settling in just fine!

ok, here’s some evidence!

This morning, Chatzi was spotted SNUGGLING with Teego!

Of course, you can see me innocently ignoring him from over on the right…

And then this afternoon, I was tricked into actually kissing Chatzi! (I hope Loki doesn’t find out!) I was walking along, minding my own business, and he walked over and gave me a smacker on the lips! I was so shocked, I didn’t whap him or anything! I guess he can be quite nice and canĀ sometimes be quite cute…

But he’d better not start taking advantage OK???

Chatzi the all-in Wrestler!

I’m sorry we’ve been away for such a long time, but Daddycat has had a very seriousĀ  attack of Man-cold. It’s nothing serious, but if you’re unsure what it is, watch this video about manflu. I don’t know if manflu is known in Americaland, so any women with husbands or boyfriends should watch this so they know how to handle it if it strikes!

In addition to this he’s also had a trapped nerve in his pelvis for the last two weeks too!

I wish the human VETs would shave patches in his fur, and stick thermometers up his bottom, and grab him by the scruff of the neck and inject him when he’s ill too!

So anyway, he’s crawled out of his deathbed to help me blog before you all forget about us!

Chatzi has been settling in very well. Better with Teego than with me it has to be said, but I’m slowly warming to him. I only growl now when he attacks me, rather than when he enters my room.

This photo was faked. There’s no way I would have allowed him anywhere near me without butting the bitey on him! Daddycat says this is how we were when he woke up one morning, but I dispute that!

(It hasn’t happened since though)

Chatzi and Teego are getting quite good friends. Well, as good friends as a crazy kitten and a cool tough guy can get. Chatzi is ALWAYS trying it on, and we’re often on edge as to when he’s going to pounce on us. I usually scream and give him the smacky paw-o-doom, and Teego usually fights back and then runs away and jumps on a high place, as Chatzi hasn’t figured out how to jump up very well yet.

Teego has shown such dignity with Chatzi. But Chatzi really pushes his luck sometimes. Here’s a sequence of pictures that shows Chatzi doing a full-frontal assault, that knocks Teego straight over backwards!

Poor little Teego!

Chatzi is missing a whisker!

Chatzi is missing half a whisker.

We both declare that we’re innocent! I know I’ve used the Smacky Paw-O-Doom on him a number of times, and even soft hearted Teego give him a bit of a lesson on respect for your elders, but I’ve never heard of anycat knocking half a whisker off!

click to see a closeup of the missing whisker!

And of course, he’s a smelly boy, so it couldn’t be over grooming! We never touched it!

We’ve heard about mommycats chewing off their kittens’ whiskers, but Chatzi’s five months old! Surely it would have grown back by now?

Any ideas?