All about MEE!

Amazing Free Giveaway Coming!!!

Today, we got VERY excited because a HUGE parcel arrived for us, from the lovely people at Hagen! They sent us some amazing pressies!

They want us to do a review of all their CATIT® DESIGN SENSES range, but especially exciting is that they sent us TWO of everything, so we can give one of each away to our readers in a competition! At the end of each review, we’ll tell you how to enter the competition to win a new boxed one!

We’d describe the range as being products to stimulate kittie senses, and this is such an important thing. Daddycat is a big fan of puzzle feeders, and home made toys that get us excited! Cats are very intelligent mammals, but we do get bored, so we really appreciate things that stimulate our natural behaviour such as scavenging and hunting.

We are very honest kitties though, so we’re happy to declare that we have received no payment for these reviews, other than the free products you see in the picture above, and we promise to be honest with our opinion. If we don’t like something, you’ll see it in the video, and we’ll tell you about it too. And equally, if we like something, we’ll definitely tell you too! We are under no pressure to give a favourable review.

Of course, Dumbo here was more excited about tearing the cardboard box to pieces instead of playing with the new toys!

Chatzi is a Cyborg Cat!

Ok, this is official! Last night Mommacat was stroking Chatzi, and she felt something under his skin…

It was hard, and definately not something like a piece of rib, or hard skin or like anything we’d ever felt before!

She told Daddycat, and they both felt around on his back trying to find it again, once he found it, Daddycat cried out “EEEEEW! GROSS! I think it’s his microchip!” And now he’s obsessed with it – everytime Chatzi comes near him, Daddycat is straight onto his back, feeling for his microchip!

We don’t know what a microchip is, but we know it’s something to do with computers! So is Chatzi a SPY? IS he bugging our conversations, or even worse, Is he bionic in some way? Maybe he has circuitry to make him 10 times more annoying than a normal kitten?? That would certainly explain a few things, don’t you think?

This little bionic chip felt about the size of a pencil lead and about 2cm long!

We’re both getting  a little worried about him now, the other day, I saw him cleaning his face in the mirror the other day, and THIS IS WHAT I SAW!!!

ok, ok, we’re joking a little bit, We all know what a microchip is, but can any of you feel your microchip too? it’s really cool to be able to feel it under the skin!

This is what it really looks like… it’s the size of a grain of rice, and about twice as long!

Freya loves Chatzi!

Chatzi here,


Look! Freya was asleep, and I very quietly snuck up on her, and snuggled up without waking her up!

I went to sleep, and she got such a surprise when she woke up! She thought she’d been at the catnip, and made up with me or something!

As she was walking away, I nipped her back leg to make sure the remembered how much fun I was to have around!

My dear big Brother Teego looks after me very well. I often pick on him, but he play fights back, and never hisses or screams at me, (like big sister Freya does), and he licks me clean when I need a cuddle.

My mommacat tastes nice!

Hi, Chatzi here!

The other day, my mommacat made us all some chicken for a treat! After she’d finished it, she claimed to have washed her hands properly.

That’s what SHE said, but I’m not so sure.

I’m just sayin’….

7 facts about us

My friend Robyn from my favourite Blog, Love and Hisses gave me an award!

It’s the irresistibly Sweet Blog Award!

We have to mention 7 random facts about us, and then pass it on, so because there’s 4 of us including Daddycat, we’re all going to share it!

I remember we’ve done something like this before, but we’re going to just answer it again and see if any of the answers are the same…



1. Daddycat’s first cat, Scampie was a Black Feral cat, who had a reputation for being a little er… “feisty”.  She was only like this with other people, and very rarely scratched Daddycat. She was fine as long as you understood cat body language. You’d be totally safe stroking her, as long as she was ignoring you. As soon as she started to take an interest in your hand, if you didn’t stop what you were doing, you’d probably get a nip or a whap. She loved to snuggle up with Daddycat when he fell asleep on the sofa, and she learned the word “kiss”, and would stand on her back legs to give him a kiss on command!


2. Teego is the worlds most cuddleable kittie. He has the softest fur, and it’s deep and luxurious and soft. To bury your face in his side is the nearest thing to heaven on earth.

He has the absolute cutest face, and recently has mastered the “I’m feeling so sad and unloved” look, and carries it off to perfection. This enhances his “most cuddleable” status immesurably.

In fact, there’s only one single problem with Mr Teego.

Daddycat is a world famous cat wrestler, and he can sometimes manage a 3 second cuddle on a good day! The subsequent hospital visit is worth every stitch and injection.

3. Little Miss Freya is the queen of the house. She gets to sleep wherever she wants, and has a beautiful nature. She’s a terrible scaredycat though, and has a thing about being picked up.

She loves to be held, and stroked and generally pampered, but she has a mental block about the picking up bit! If you don’t approach her right, she’ll scuttle away and hide under the nearest table so you can’t pick her up!

It only happens when she’s walking or standing too. If she’s lying down, she’s more than happy to be picked up!

4. Little Master Chatzi is…. he’s a….. well, I mean…how can I put this…. he’s so…..well, let me put it this way. It’s a good job he’s so GORGEOUS!!!

He’s everything a kitten should be. x10. and he’s fearless and stubborn on top of that too. I guess Bengals have a reputation for a reason! He’s still jumping on top of the kitchen counter, and every time, without fail, I will shout GET DOWN twice, and then push him off. You’d think he’d learn after two weeks, that I say it once, twice, and then he goes down regardless of what he wants to do! But no, he’s not bothered, and he’ll push back when I try to get him off!

We tried a water spray, but of course, Bengals LIKE water! :-)

It’s a good job we absolutely adore him!…

5. You know how Teego hates any sort of affection? Well, that’s except early in the morning… Around 6AM, he’ll sometimes wake Daddycat up with cheek-rubs! And he’s insatiable, it’s not just one, it’s non stop for about 10 minutes! It doesn’t come with a cuddle, but the cheek-rubs are so gentle, they’ll melt your heart, even if it is 3 hours before wakeup time!

6. Daddycat’s other business (apart from making films) is repairing computers. And do you know, he’ll exploit any opportunity to improve his company’s web search ranking! so, if you need any computer help or support on your computer in the Orpington or Petts Wood or Chislehurst Area, visit! Of course, it goes without saying, Kittie bloggers get everything for free!

7. We all have nicknames –

Freya’s are: Little Miss Freya, Freyzi-Fru, Sweetie-girl, Fruzie-woozie.

Teego’s are Mr Teego, T-boy, Slinky Malinky, NO BOY!, Mr Snuggly (wishful thinking)

Chatzi’s are Mr Chatzi, Shoutzi, STOP THAT!, GET DOWN!, NO BOY!, Mr Muscles, Hunky boy.

Well that was a lot of fun! So now we have to nominate some others…

These bloggers are the really special people that we’d like to nominate to pass the award onto.

The Cat Blogosphere

Cat Lady Diary

Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat

I Have Cat

Mr Puddy

Loki the Cat