It’s all about Teego at the moment… Our facebook friends will already know about this, but Sunday morning, Teego was taken to the emergency vet because we were concerned about his squatting and vomiting the day before. (it was a week or so after the mouse incedent, in case you were thinking that!) 
This has happened a while ago too,
and it wasn’t a blocked penis, but turned out to be an infection of FLUTD. To our shock this time, it WAS a blocked penis, and thank God Mommacat made the decision to take him to the vet! The vet instantly admitted him, gave him a catheter to drain his bladder, and his life was saved.
It sounds dramatic, but young mancats do suffer from this occasionally, and a burst bladder is usually fatal!
Fortunately Teego was saved in time.
This is the techie stuff, but if I’m wrong,
please feel free to correct me in the comments!
His heart rate was fast, and arrythmic, due to the Potassium that comes with having a blocked bladder. The Vet gave him some glucose that’s good for absorbing the Potassium.
The next day, Monday, his heart was still quite fast, but no longer arrythmic. His Glucose was 5.8, which is ok, and there was still a little blood in his urine, but that could be due to the catheter.
Kate the vet is quietly confident. If everything goes well, Mr Teego might get to come home on Wednesday. WOOHOO!
Monday evening, we had a call from Kate, the Vet from Anderson’s Vets in Orpington who was looking after Teego, inviting us to come and see him.
You can imagine how excited we were! We literally stopped everything and ran out to the car!
Teego was very subdued, but when we walked in, his eyes really seemed to recognise us, and his whiskas went forward! We were allowed to take the collar off while we were there to give him cheek scritches, and he even purred, which is lovely in itself, because Teego doesn’t really purr. At least we felt like we gave him a few minutes of comfort in his misery.
Still, there’s only a day and a bit to go now!!!
Many thanks go to Sinenna Kittykins on our Facebook page for giving us this link to information from Long Beach Animal Hospital about blocked urinary tract procedures
Here’s a gratuitous picture of two Bengal cats beside themselves with worry over their missing brother. Or is it some ham being prepared for them?
To be fair, Chatzi was calling a lot on Sunday PM, so maybe he was missing his big brother?