Dearest Furrends,
We are REALLY sorry we’ve been away for so long, and the reason is entirely DADDYCAT’s FAULT.
Maybe we should be a bit more gentle and respectful, but hey why bother? He loves us so much he’d never punish us whatever we did!
Anyway he’s entirely to blame, and just wanted a break from blogging for a short while, and then the break got longer and longer, and then finally, our dear friend Val commented and kicked Daddycat’s butt to get back to blogging for us!
So much has happened since our last post before Christmas. Nothing bad, so don’t be afraid!!
This was going to be our Christmas picture, but guess what… nothing happened!
Teego has FLUTD
Teego has finally been diagnosed with FLUTD, after quite a long and troublesome diagnosis, from the best vet in the world, Jesse!
Teego kept squatting and straining to go, and occasionally passing blood and initially we thought it was a blocked urinary tract, so that meant a visit to the emergency vet, who said he’s not blocked, as his bladder is empty.
So the next day, JesseVet tried to get a sample and couldn’t because his bladder was again emtpy! He suspected FLUTD, but it’s hard to diagnose conclusively, and the best way is to rule out everything else. So he did a blood test, and a crystals in the urine test too, and Teego passed both of those tests, so then JesseVet gave him a variety of treatments, (My memory is fuzzy about the exact order of these, so if it sounds wrong, blame me, not JesseVet) Including a steroid shot, Cystaid capsules, Some exerimental Vetergesic drops administered under the tongue (kind of morphine for cats?) and Teego started to improve.
JesseVet also thought that stress from Chatzi may be an issue, so he prescribed Zylkene (not zyklene as we kept calling it) to both Freya and Teego! We’re not certain that it had any effect, but we trust JesseVet, and we do as we’re told.
So now Freya and Teego are both off their medicines, and eating a new food that we buy from the Vet, that’s kind of unbranded cat biscuits, but more on that later.
Chatzi still terrorizes Freya, but we keep catching them snuggled up too, so maybe things are looking up!

He’s a great snuggler, so no-one can stay mad at him for long!

So, next time, I’ll tell you about Teego the Great Mouse Hunter of Orpington!!!