All about MEE!

Teego Ruins My Good Time.

Of course, I now understand what Daisy means when she complains about Harley Ruining Her Good Time.

I’ve always had my safe spot from Titchy Teego on top of the kitchen cupboards.

I’ve always been safe from him up there as Teego was too dumb and weedy to jump as high as me.

Until this weeekend.
He realised that he was actually quite a good jumper!

Look at him, sitting there as if he owns MY secret place……

Breathing Patterns

Daddycat took this video when we were asleep the other day.

We were both asleep, but I have short quick breaths with a pause inbetween, and little Teego has steadier breaths without a pause inbetween.

I wonder what it means? Does anyone know?

Honesty is an important attribute.

If Daddycat was honest, he’d admit that WE were asleep, minding our own business, when HE snuck in behind us and took this photo, before we could run away.

But he’s probably gonna pretend that we snuggled up with him or something. To give him his dues though, he is very good at opening cans, and giving us early morning treats in bed.

But cuddleworthy he is not.


New York’s Finest People rescue kittie.

This is a moving story that’s been doing the rounds, about a cat stuck up a tree in Adelphi St, Fort Greene.

The first day, the FDNY try to pull the tree nearer the balcony, so that the kitty can walk along a bridge that they made, failed and apparently gave up!

The next day, a neighbour makes a 12 foot bridge for the cat to walk along. It’s not interested. (Although the bare wood surface looks slippery, I’d have covered it in stuck-down cloth or something.)

The final day, Miguel Lopez & Julio Hernandez from Evergreen Tree Experts come, climb the tree, and rescue little kitty. What heroes!

Here’s the fascinating film!

New friends..

Today, I’d like to introduce you to some good friends of ours. They’re called Bannana and Cheese. And they’re cats, not food things.

I found them a few months ago, and was amazed by their illustrations – all us normal cat bloggers have to take photos, cos we can’t draw, but at Bananna and Cheese, Gail and CD can DRAW!!! and We’re so honoured that they drew a picture of us too!

And what’s different, is they write stories about their life. Maybe we’ll go over and visit them to play sometime to get included…

it’s at the top left of their page! Do pop over and visit and tell them what a lovely picture of us it is!

Freya & Teego








it’s at the top left of the page at Banana & Cheese








