All about MEE!

Chatzi is a Cyborg Cat!

Ok, this is official! Last night Mommacat was stroking Chatzi, and she felt something under his skin…

It was hard, and definately not something like a piece of rib, or hard skin or like anything we’d ever felt before!

She told Daddycat, and they both felt around on his back trying to find it again, once he found it, Daddycat cried out “EEEEEW! GROSS! I think it’s his microchip!” And now he’s obsessed with it – everytime Chatzi comes near him, Daddycat more

Freya loves Chatzi!

Chatzi here,


Look! Freya was asleep, and I very quietly snuck up on her, and snuggled up without waking her up!

I went to sleep, and she got such a surprise when she woke up! She thought she’d been at the catnip, and made up with me or something!

As she was walking away, I nipped her back leg to make sure the remembered how much fun I was to have around!

My dear big Brother Teego looks after me more

My mommacat tastes nice!

Hi, Chatzi here!

The other day, my mommacat made us all some chicken for a treat! After she’d finished it, she claimed to have washed her hands properly.

That’s what SHE said, but I’m not so sure.

I’m just sayin’….

7 facts about us

My friend Robyn from my favourite Blog, Love and Hisses gave me an award!

It’s the irresistibly Sweet Blog Award!

We have to mention 7 random facts about us, and then pass it on, so because there’s 4 of us including Daddycat, we’re all going to share it!

I remember we’ve done something like this before, but we’re going to just answer it again and see if any of the answers are the same…



1. Daddycat’s first cat, Scampie was a Black Feral cat, more

Chatzi licked me!

I guess that’s it. I can’t persuade Bratzi, sorry, I mean Chatzi to stay away and leave me alone!

He keeps chasing me around and attacking me!

Of course, when it’s food time, I tolerate him but it’s only because I’m so nice, and he behaves himself! This photo is good for comparing our sizes – he looks around the same size as me, but I think it’s the angle. Maybe he’s almost as tall as me, but I’m certainly bigger than more